The Doctoral Programme in Computer Engineering at the UPV/EHU collaborates with programmes from different universities and research centres in Spain and abroad.
The purpose of the doctoral theses that are developed within the framework of this programme is to contribute to, and strengthen, the following lines of research: intelligent systems, robotics, high performance computing, data mining, machine learning, language processing, distributed systems, ubiquitous computing, software engineering, semantic web, automated reasoning, decision-support systems, intelligent environments to aid teaching/learning, web accessibility and adaptive interfaces. They also include topics related to Artificial Intelligence, which currently covers areas such as deep learning, computer vision, biomedical signal analysis, intelligent tutoring, cloud computing, big data and the Internet of things (IoT).
In order to promote the student's training, the programme regularly organises courses, seminars and different academic activities aimed at developing both transversal and specific skills, with the participation of prestigious researchers from several universities and centres both in Spain and abroad.
Ficha de Grado
Part-time studies
Duration: 7 - 8 years
Places available: 15
Approximate fees: 219 €/academic year
Ficha de Grado
Full-time studies
Duration: 4 - 5 years
Places available: 30
Approximate fees: 301 €/academic year
Academic queries: josu.ceberio@ehu.eus
Administrative queries: ingenieriainformatica.doke@ehu.eus
Suggestions and requestsResearch teams and research topics
Research teams | Research topics |
+BDI, Interoperable Database Group |
ALDAPA (Automatic Classification and Parallelism) Group |
Computational Intelligence Group |
GALAN+, Adaptive Learning Environments Group |
Intelligent Systems Group |
LIPCNE++ - Laboratorio de Interacción Persona-Computador para Necesidades Especiales & Distributed Systems group |
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group |