
Department of Chemical Engineering

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Blogs (Department of Chemical Engineering)

María Cortazaren Doktorego Tesia

María Cortazar ikasleak Martin Olazar Katedradunaren eta Gartzen López Doktorearen zuzendaritzapean landutako "Implementation of primary strategies for the improvement of biomass steam gasification in a spouted bed reactor" Doktorego Tesia maiatzak 25ean goizeko 11:30an ZTF/FCTko Adela Moyua gelan defendatuko du.

El próximo 25 de mayo a las 11:30 en la Sala Adela Moyua de la ZTF/FCT, María Cortazar defenderá la Tesis Doctoral titulada "Implementation of primary strategies for the improvement of biomass steam gasification in a spouted bed reactor", realizada bajo la dirección del Catedrático Martin Olazar y del Doctor Gartzen López.

Blogs (Department of Chemical Engineering)