Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resiliencia- Fondos MRR

Deialdi gaurkotuak


The SGIker attend the III International Seminar on the Internationalization of the University: Strategic Development and Institutional Differentiation in Barcelona (17th-19th May 2017) (2017/05/26)

First publication date: 26/05/2017

Maria José Rodríguez and Fátima Pastor, from the Scientometrics Unit of the General Research Services (SGIker) of the UPV / EHU, attended the III International Seminar on "Internationalization of the University: Strategic Development and Institutional Differentiation" Organized by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPF) on 17th, 18th and 19th May 2017, at the UPC Technical School of Civil Engineering, Barcelona.

Representatives from universities in Spain, Europe and the Americas have emphasized how internationalization is nowadays an inescapable strategic option for universities to ensure excellence in the exercise of their missionary training activities for production of knowledge and service and application of this knowledge in the societies that are inserted.

For three days, the speakers at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Boston College, the Netherlands Accreditation Agency (NVAO), the Catalan Quality Agency (AQU / ENQA), the Interuniversity Development (CINDA), and the Universidad Pontificia Javeriana in Colombia and the Quilmes National in Argentina, have highlighted the intentionality of internationalization, with the aim of improving the quality of teaching and research, to involve all university levels.

Far from materializing only in mobility, this seminar has exposed the various actions that are currently being carried out in university settings (internationalization at home, global studies, incoming students, summer school, etc.), with the aim of internationalizing the curriculum contributing to the formation of a professional and citizen capable of developing in an increasingly intercultural, global and interconnected world.



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