Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resiliencia- Fondos MRR

Deialdi gaurkotuak


The Singular Laboratory of Coupled Multi-spectroscopies (RAMAN-LASPEA) of the SGIker collects the Qepea certificate granted by euskalit in an organized act within the framework of the xxiii european week of advanced management (2017/12/05)

First publication date: 05/12/2017

After a year of the entry into force of the Services Chart of the Singular Multispectroscopy Trained Laboratory (RAMAN-LASPEA), on September 21st, a Qepea assessment group visited the laboratory and evaluated its Service Charter based on the criteria established by Euskalilt. 

As a result of this external evaluation, the RAMAN-LASPEA laboratory has obtained the Qepea certificate for its Service Charter. This recognition is added to that obtained in ISO 9001 and the commitment to the quality of this service is consolidated.


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