The X-Ray Photoelectronic Spectroscopy Service , XPS, which belongs to SGIker, publishes its Services Letter on their website (2017/03/23)
First publication date: 23/03/2017

Following the resolution of March 16th, 2017 by the Secretary General of the University of the Basque Country/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, UPV/EHU, approving the Service Charters of the UPV/EHU, the X-Ray Photoelectronic Spectroscopy Service , XPS, which belongs to SGIker, publishes its Services Letter on their website, in a clear commitment to transparency and commitment to Quality.
The users will have, from this moment on, a declaration of commitments acquired by the XPS Unit, as well as a recognition of their rights.
This new Service Charter is in addition to the one already published last year of the Single Laboratory of Multispectroscopies Coupled, RAMAN, being therefore, two Units of the SGIker which have Service Charter.