SGIker imparts a workshop on forensic techniques to young people which are in 3rd of the ESO in La Salle School in Bilbao
First publication date: 27/01/2016

Three students from La Salle School in Bilbao took part in the workshop "The case of the lottery ticket found rewarded", developed by units of Gas Chromatography of Central Analysis Service of Bizkaia and Sequencing and Genotyping and Gene Expression in the General Service of Genomics, all belonging to the General Research Services (SGIker) of the UPV/EHU.
The so-called "ticket" had found a genetic trace of the owner and an ink stroke, which had to be analyzed by Alaia Sasía, Jon Riloba and Gaizka Monje, through certain techniques to pinpoint the moment of time when the ink stroke was deposited and the identity of the donor of the biological traces (blood stain) appearing on this ticket.
In a convenient and easy way these students which are in 3rd of the ESO have been able to develop a methodology of laboratory for strengthening some of the concepts that have previously seen in their respective classes of Biology and Chemistry such as: Science and measure, gases and atmospheric pressure , chemical bond, what is a cell, what is DNA, its use to differentiate individuals, and hence its application for the resolution of cases within the field of forensic genetics.
This initiative responds to the line of action developed by the SGIker of the UPV/EHU, to encourage among younger people the inclination towards scientific careers, showing different facets of the research activity.