SGIker (Research Vicerrectorate) organized along with the SAE of the UPV/EHU the "Six years" Workshops for the PDI, on the initiative of the Vicerrectorate of Degree and Innovation studies, basque language and Teaching staff
First publication date: 15/11/2016

Maribel Arriortua, Director of the General Research Services (SGIker), and the technicians of the Scientometrics Unit, María José Rodríguez and Fátima Pastor, have organized together with the Educational Advisory Service (SAE/HELAZ) of the UPV / EHU fifteen six years workshops that took place during October 2016 in the Campus of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, within the framework of a joint action of the Vicerrectorate of Degree and Innovation studies, basque language and Teaching staff .
A total of 85 Professors and Researchers (PDI) in the areas of Pharmacy, Philology, Education, Sport, History, Psychology, Chemistry, Law, Architecture, Biomedicine, Social Sciences, Fine Arts and Economics have attended the two sessions of each workshop ; A first one with experts in its specific field and another one with practices in front of the computer given by the technicians of research management of the Unit of Scientometry of SGIker.
Luisa Ugedo, Gorka Elordieta, Julio Calleja, José Ramón Diaz de Durana, Gabriela Chotro, Conchi Medrano, Rodríguez Llano-Ponte, Clara Asua, Javier Cenicacelaya, Juan Carlos de Miguel, Javier Meana, Victor Medina, Paulino Dávila, Maria José San José And Mari Paz Espinosa, are the group of experts who have shared their knowledge and experiences with the PDI of the different specialties of the UPV/EHU, exercising an excellent task of tutoring the assistants. From these lines we want to expressly thank SGIker for their availability, as they have had to adjust their agendas to devote their time and knowledge to this activity.
From SGIker, Ph.D. María José Rodríguez and Fátima Pastor have been the ones who have presented the evaluating agencies and have given the second session of eminently practical nature about the indications of quality, its location and the way to incorporate these to the requests for recognition of the stages of research or "Six years".