The SCAB begins a study on the possible dating of human remains in forensic contexts using non-destructive techniques
The SCAB begins a study on the possible dating of human remains in forensic contexts using non-destructive techniques
First publication date: 05/02/2015

Under the direction of SCAB technician Dr. Luis Bartolomé and with the help of Professor of UPV/EHU Dr. Paco Etxeberria and a team of anthropologists from the Department of Legal Medicine, Toxicology and Physical Anthropology of the University of Granada, a student of the master of forensic analysis has begun work dating of human bones using non-destructive techniques. The aim of this study is to find a simple technical analysis to accurately date the time of burial. There is great interest among forensic anthropologists to have a simple and non-destructive technique that allows the dating of bones. This interest is due to the Organic Law 10/1995 provides that the offense has prescribed if the remains found have more than 20 years. The SCAB, besides than using a new technology so far unused, incorporates in a new way to this study the statistical treatments successfully applied in other forensic applications.