The Central Analysis Service of Bizkaia processes the 100,000th sample in 2021.
First publication date: 31/01/2022

It has been 15 years since the Central Analysis Service of Bizkaia (SCAB) of the General Research Services (SGIker) of the UPV/EHU was launched, providing specialized service and response on chemical analysis to the different research groups of the UPV/EHU, Technology and Research Centers, as well as private companies.
The SCAB has a state-of-the-art instrumental infrastructure and offers technical scientific advice that has had a great impact on the development and execution of the objectives and needs of the scientific community. In this way, during this period, support has been given to an average of 90 research groups/year, with an average of 555 services / year, with an average scientific production of 58 articles / year and 15 Theses / year.
During this period, quality criteria have been implemented for chemical analysis laboratories under the criteria of the ISO 9001 standard since 2010 and more specifically since 2013, under the criteria of the ISO 17025 standard.
All these services are divided into:
- Characterization and quantification analysis of volatile organic compounds: Dr. Luis Bartolomé ( / Ext 3473).
- Characterization and quantification analysis of non-volatile organic compounds: Dra. Patricia Navarro ( / Ext 2722).
- Targeted and non-targeted analysis of lipids (lipidomics) and natural products: Dr. Beatriz Abad ( / Ext 3197).
- Characterization and quantification analysis of inorganic compounds: Dr. Juan Carlos Raposo ( / Ext 5731).
- Identification analysis of organic compounds: Dr. Maribel Collado ( / Ext 5432).
In 2021, the processing of the 100,000th sample has been reached, so we want to share it and thank you for your trust.