SGIker technician takes part in NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) symposium in Mexico
First publication date: 08/02/2016
Magnetic resonance imaging has become an essential tool for the elucidation of molecular structures and its dynamics, which has reached great relevance in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology, according to the organizers of the Third Symposium on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of the Postgraduate in Chemistry at the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico (UAM).
The activity inaugurated on Monday 18th and culminated Friday 22nd January 2016 at the Iztapalapa Unit of the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico, UAM - gathers specialists from universities in Spain, France, the US and Mexico.
At the inauguration, Dr. José Octavio Nateras Dominguez, rector of the Iztapalapa Unit, stressed the importance of training students in this field of study whose content is "necessary to discuss and debate, because it is the only way in which knowledge and practical experience is available, as well as the free discussion of ideas and approaches about the particular experiences of different research groups. "
The opening ceremony was also attended by Dr. Ana Arrieta, rector of the Gipuzkoa Campus of the University of the Basque Country Spain as well as doctors Romualdo López Moctezuma Zarate and Patricia Alfaro, rectors of Azcapotzalco and Xochimilco, respectively, plus divisional directors and department heads of the three branches of the UAM.
This Symposium has the presence of the following doctors
- Dr. Armando Ariza Castolo, Department of Chemistry Cinvestav.
- Dr. Julio Alonso, University of Valladolid. Course: Principles of Quantum Physics and Nuclear applied to NMR.
- Dr. Virginia Jauregi, Bruker Mexico. NMR as a tool in the quantum computing.
- Dr. Pierre Florian, CNRS-France: Combining Solid-State NMR and First Principle Calculations for the Structural Investigation of materials.
- Dr. Oscar Millet, CIC-Biogune: Structural elucidation of calmodulin bound to helices A and B of KV7, 2 channles. The role of calcium.
- Dr. Federico del Río, UAMM-Mexico: Importance of Protein Structure. Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
- Dr. Fernando Cossío, UPV / EHU: NMR Studies on Catalysis: from Structure-Activity Relationships to Aggregation Phenomena.
- Dr. Jose Ignacio Santos, SGIker NMR UPV / EHU: Characterization of cider apples juices using 1H spectra shift.
- Dr. Miguel Angel Garcia-Garibay University of California, UCLA Molecular Compasses, Gyroscopes and Molecular Machines-Dynamic Characterization by Solid State NMR.