RigakuSmartlab multifunction X-ray diffractometer with configurations for XRR and SAXS (2020/05/25)
First publication date: 25/05/2020

Automatic diffractometer for measurements from low angular positions in reflection or transmission.
In order to address the possibility of performing high-performance diffraction measurements and increase the versatility of the technique, a new X-ray diffraction unit has been purchased, the RigakuSmartlab Multifunction Diffractometer with configurations optimized for XRR and SAXS.
Low-angle X-ray scattering, or SAXS (Small Angle X-rayScattering), is a technique based on analyzing the X-ray scattering produced by a material at the passage of the beam, at angles very close to zero. This technique allows characterizing materials at the nanoscale (1-100 nm) by studying the X-ray scattering, obtaining information on the scattering, size and shape of the material to be analyzed.
On the other hand, Reflectometry analysis, another form of X-ray diffraction, is used to determine the thickness, quality and roughness of mono- or multi-layer materials, both crystalline and amorphous. These configurations also allow the analysis of thin and grazing angle sheets. Thus, by means of X-ray Reflectometry it is possible to determine film thickness, density and roughness.
The incorporation of this new infrastructure in the service enables the characterization of functionalized materials, being able to study composite or multilayer materials. The analysis of this type of multifunctional materials allows its subsequent adaptation to industrial needs, thus bringing the fundamental research carried out at the university closer to the final applications of the materials.