The General Research Services of the UPV/EHU (SGIker) achieve the Euskalit Q-epea seal in the Charter of Services for the period 2022-2024
First publication date: 07/11/2022

The General Research Services of the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (SGIker) have achieved the Q-epea certification from the Basque Foundation for Excellence, Euskalit, for its Charter of Services. Mr. José Carlos Gómez Alvaro, a technician from the Quality and Innovation Service, collected the certificate on behalf of the SGIker on Friday, October 28, at the Europa Conference Center in Vitoria-Gasteiz. This act of delivery of the diplomas with the Q-epea seal was included in the European Week of Advanced Management organized by Euskalit every year.
The certification obtained is valid for two years, 2022-2024, and confirms compliance with the indicators associated with the commitments acquired in the SGIker Service Charter.
The final report of the evaluation team of Q-epea highlights, within the management of the SGIker, the integration of the quality management system in the ISO9001 standard and the use of a computer support created by the University itself (Unikude) to prepare and manage the charters, as well as to record indicators.