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Prizes SGIker IV Scientific Photography Contest

Nora Egido and Naiara Ortuzar, winners of SGIker IV Scientific Photography Contest

First publication date: 13/12/2012

The images " Todos al agua " by Nora Perez Egido, and " Llamaradas "by Naiara Ortuzar Markes, have won the first prize in the SGIker IV Scientific Photography Contest ,in the modalities of Science and Technology of Materials and  Life Sciences respectively.

This time, the jury, chaired by the Vice President for Research, Miguel Angel Gutierrez Ortiz, and consisting of experts in the various fields of science involved, had to choose the winning photographs from a total of 65 images submitted to the contest by 39 researchers, of which 55% have done so in the field of Life Sciences, and 44% in the Materials Science and Technology. As in previous editions, the Jury's decision was particularly difficult because of the quality of the works presented, highlighting the two winners for its visual impact, the technical difficulty, the scientific result, the originality and the teaching style of each one.

The image taken by the researcher Nora Egido, Department of Applied Physics II, Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV / EHU, " Todos al agua " has been performed by scanning electron microscopy at the Electron Microscopy Unit of SGIker and shows a Cu-Al-Ni, under a curious way, that-in the words of its author, can be seen as sunbathers about to dive into a sea of copper.

In the category of Life Sciences, the winning entry, " Llamaradas " of researcher Naiara Ortuzar, Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine and Odontology of the UPV / EHU, and performed thru confocal microscopy also in a SGIker Unit, evidence how any aggression in the SNC  induces an astroglial reaction.

The awards public event will be held soon and the date will be posted on this portal, and through EHU Taula. In the event the winning images will be displayed and the winners will be given a Samsung Galaxy Tab2 as prize of the contest.