The course of multivariate data processing ends (2020/12/01)
First publication date: 01/12/2020
Last week the twelfth edition of the SGIker course on multivariate treatment of large amounts of data took place. This year, third grade students from the UPV/EHU and PhD staff from the UPV/EHU and the Biocruces Health Research Institute (IISB) have been able to take their first steps in the field of chemometrics.
The course has been developed with all the security measures required due to the COVID-19 pandemic (mask, respiratory tag, regular classroom ventilation, hand hygiene and temperature control when entering the course). Also, unfortunately, this year the maximum number of participants had to be limited to 5, which has left many other researchers on the waiting list for the following years. We hope the situation improves and we can respond to you soon.
We are grateful to the user staff who have come so far for the trust placed in the SGIker for their training in these moments of uncertainty, and at the same time we invite the rest of the UPV/EHU scientific community to continue participating in our courses with the same attitude for years to come.