SGIker Scientometrics Unit participates in the Master of Marine Engineering and Nautical Engineering and Maritime Transport of the School of Navigation and Naval Engineering of the UPV/EHU
First publication date: 04/11/2015

The technical staff of the Unit of SGIker Scientometrics has conducted a session on search strategies and alert information for research to students of the Master of Marine Engineering and Nautical Engineering and Maritime Transport on October 19th, 2015, at the Technical School of Nautical and Naval Engineering of the UPV/EHU in Portugalete.
A group of fifteen students from that Master , were explained for four hours, besides the structure and management of the Vice Rectorate for Research at the UPV/EHU, how the rating agencies and their criteria work as well as the need to have a strategy for searching for information and go to the database and management tools of information that the UPV/EHU offers.
Scientometry Unit participates for the second time in the Masters upon an initiative of Professor Esperanza Diaz. The first time was held on November 24th, 2014 on the premises of the School in Portugalete.
This activity is part of the guideline for postgraduate students which SGIker is performing to promote the development of their research career.