SGIker personnel in Madrid to attend the Conference on Research, innovation and evaluation in the fields of technology
First publication date: 04/11/2015

The doctors Maribel Arriortua and Fatima Pastor of the General Research Services (SGIker) of Vice Rectorate for Research in UPV/EHU, attended the conference "Research, innovation and evaluation in the fields of technology", organized by the Interuniversity Institute of Advanced Research on Evaluation of Scientific and University (INAECU) at the Carlos III University on October 20, 2015.
At the ceremony, opened by the rector of Madrid university, intervened speakers from the business world (Arquimea, Antolin), university (Universidad Carlos III University of Madrid, Polytechnic University of Madrid, University of Zaragoza, the Polytechnic University of Valencia, University of Lisbon), institutional (ANECA, CNEAI, Ikerbasque, Agency for Health Technology Assessment from the Institute of Health Carlos III of Madrid), publishing (Bulletin of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass) and professional (Association of Industrial Engineers of Madrid) .
Among the main issues addressed they include the importance of publications and conferences for companies engaged in the field of Information Technology; the need to build trust between researchers and company personnel or even better, clusters or groups of these; and strategy to incorporate more and more doctors within the private companies by the high added value. He also emphasized how research groups are to discuss topics of high-level research and also have a socioeconomic impact. Regarding patents, it was recommended not to encourage production of patents within the university, unless there are clear grounds for exploitation, avoiding like this taking on high costs. As for the contracts with the companies, this information, once the contracts are categorized, may well become a robust indicator of the transfer of university innovation to businesses.