The SGIker renew their quality certificate under the ISO 9001:2015
First publication date: 24/06/2022

The General Research Services, SGIker, have passed the external audit for the renewal of the quality certificate under the ISO 9001:2015 standard, held on June 20 and 21, 2022. The certificate has been renewed without incident and the scope of the system it has been extended to the Gipuzkoa Magnetic Measurement Service.
Among the strong points, the audit team of AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification) has highlighted the commitment and involvement of the SGIker in the maintenance and improvement of the quality system and the study of the monitoring indicators of the deadlines between the stages of the services (request and communication of results).
The improvements in scientific infrastructure implemented at the Bizkaia Campus with the acquisition of two infrared equipment, the 8700 LDIR and 4300 FTIR models, and a Renishaw Invid Quontor RAMAN spectrometer have also been assessed in the audit report.
The people responsible for the audit have indicated in the certification information document that the Quality Management System in the SGIker "is effectively implemented" and "has evolved very positively in the last audit cycle".
The SGIker have been immersed in this quality program since 2010, which means the renewal and extension of ISO 9001 for 12 years. During that time, continuous improvement has been the main objective of the technical, administrative and management staff of the SGIker and this has been confirmed by the certifying company AENOR.