The General Research Services (SGIker) attend the First Meeting of Scientific Evaluation Services in the Vice-Rectorships for Research: what do our universities and managers need ?, held in Granada (October 26th and 27th, 2017) (2017/12/11)
First publication date: 11/12/2017

Maria José Rodríguez and Fátima Pastor, from the Science Unit of the SGIker of the UPV/ EHU, have attended the first Meeting of Scientific Evaluation Services in the Vice-Rector's Offices: what do our universities and managers need ?, organized by the Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer of the University of Granada (UGR), on October 26th and 27th, 2017, at the Faculty of Sciences of the Andalusian University.
In this forum, which was attended by 103 bibliometric professionals and R&D managers from universities in Spain and America, the importance of combining, intelligently, the information provided by bibliometrics with that provided by the experts when evaluating people, groups, institutions or countries and always taking into account the dimension and the purpose of such evaluation has been stressed.
In relation to university rankings, it became clear how the research dimension is the main component of them, so the best strategy to be properly located in them is to do a good research work.
The opening of the meeting was the responsibility of Fernando Cornet (Director of the Own Plan -UGR), Evaristo Jiménez-Contreras (Professor of Bibliometrics - Group EC3) and Pedro Ángel Castillo Valdivieso (Secretariat of Scientific Policy-UGR), who gave way to the conferences of researchers of international level like Henk F. Moed (former CWTS Leiden Univ), Domingo Docampo (University of Vigo), Jordi Molas (INGENIO- [CSIC-UPV]), Juan Gorraiz (University of Vienna), Daniel Torres Salinas (University of Granada), Nicolás Robinson (Georgia Tech), and Javier Cantón (Medialab-UGR).
The conference ended with a debate on the Medialab- UGR of the Radiolab program run by Javi Cantón (Medialab-UGR) and Inma Díaz (Medialab-UGR) in which it was possible to discuss current issues in the bibliometric field thanks to a open mic session whose objective was to promote the exchange of opinions and ideas between the audience and the speakers.
Thanks to the success of the call it is proposed in the future to continue projecting the ideas and visions in future editions, as well as forming a network of collaboration between all the bibliometric units that work in the scientific and social field.