SGIker runs a workshop on how to survive on an island to youth persons in 3rd ESO in Colegio La Salle de Bilbao (2016/02/17)
First publication date: 17/02/2016

Four students of the Colegio La Salle Bilbao participated in the workshop "Survive on the island", developed by the NMR Service of Bizkaia and Fitotrón and Greenhouse Service, both belonging to the General Research Services (SGIker) of the UPV / EHU.
Youngsters, Pedro Corral, Idoia Gondra, Julen Millán and Lorraine Pedraz, were part of a scientific expedition shipwrecked on an island and have been forced to survive on the resources provided by the island and the little material that have recovered from the expedition.
With prior knowledge they have acquired in their biology and chemistry classes they have been able to cope with the basic needs of housing, water, energy, food preservation, and they even had time to investigate. Thus, concepts have been worked as the extraction of pigments, colligative properties, superabsorbent polymers or the pH, among others.
This initiative responds to the line of action developed by SGIker of the UPV/EHU, to encourage among younger inclination towards scientific careers, showing different facets of research activity.