The multivariate data treatment course ends (16/05/2018)
First publication date: 16/05/2018
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The ninth edition of the course organized by the SGIker on the multivariate treatment of a large amount of data took place last week at the Faculty of Science and Technology. This year, researchers from the UPV/EHU, UPV/EHU and SGIker technicians or professors from other Latin American universities, have been able to enter the field of chemometrics.
In these 9 years, there have been more than 50 researchers in total who have been able to improve their knowledge in the multivariate treatment of data for application areas as diverse as chemistry, biochemistry, omics, medicine, mathematics, tourism, food or architecture. During this time, both the SCAB technical teacher, Luis Bartolomé, and the entire SGIker organization, have tried to improve the growing demand from researchers with the accreditation of courses under ISO 9001, the acquisition of software for more modern and intuitive data processing as well as with the continuous training of the technician in the latest multivariate treatments.
From SGIker, we thank the users who have attended the course for the trust placed in us for their training while we invite the rest of the scientific community of the UPV/EHU to continue participating in our courses with the same attitude in the coming years.