SGIker takes part in the XIV International Forum on Quality Assessment for Research and Higher Education (FECIES) in Granada June 21st to 24th, 2017) (2017/07/03)
First publication date: 03/07/2017

María José Rodríguez Tojo and Fátima Pastor Ruiz, members of the General Research Services (SGIker) in the Scientometrics Unit, attended the 14th FECIES Forum, from June21st to 24th, 2017, organized by the University of Granada and the Spanish Association in Behavioral Psychology, celebrated in Granada and with a large participation of personnel of national and international universities.
In this forum they had the opportunity to know, first hand, the problems of universities in their processes of accreditation and quality; as well as the criteria and processes for the evaluation of the research periods (six years) and the accreditation of university teaching staff.
In addition to attending the international meeting FECIES which dealt with different topics related to the evaluation of research, intellectual property law, good practices in university libraries, project management and various plans which have the Spanish universities to boost research, quality and the European Convergence, SGIker participated by presenting two scientific posters; one on the evolution of Spanish journals in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) databases of Clarivate and Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) in the period 2006-2015; and a second poster about strategies to increase the citation of scientific production.