SGIker runs a workshop on finding information online for students of 3rd of ESO of La Salle School
First publication date: 16/12/2015

SGIker runs a workshop on finding information online for students of 3rd of ESO of La Salle School
Framed in a series of activities aimed at generating scientific vocation among young students of ESO, the Unit of Scientometry in the General Services of Support for Research (SGIker) of the UPV/EHU, has taught the workshop Do you want to be a detective in the net? to a total of 20 students in the 3rd year of ESO of La Salle School in a computer classroom of the School of Engineering of the UPV/EHU in Bilbao, on Monday December 14th.
During the four hours that lasted the activity, the participants of the school of Bilbao have learned which are the main sources used by scientists to search for information, as well as the most efficient strategies for a proven and quality information.
This initiative responds to the line of action developed by the SGIker of the UPV/EHU, to encourage among younger persons an inclination towards scientific careers, showing different facets of the research activity. In the first months of 2016 (January and February) , the workshops Forensics Analisis, Environmental Accident and Scientific Gymkhana will be held.