SGIker course ends on statistical processing of large amounts of data using Unscrambler software
First publication date: 14/12/2015

You do not know how you can deal with lots of data that your experiments return?.
Need to know which of your study variables are significant ?.
Delve into the knowledge of the management of multivariate statistics may be the solution. One more year, the course taught by Dr. Luis Bartolome technician in SGIker Central Analysis Service of Bizkaia (SCAB), has finished in the first week of November.
On this occasion, although they have continued to participate PhD students from different degrees such as Biology and Chemistry (2), teachers of the UPV / EHU have also registered (3) Ikerbasque Researchers (2) and a SGIker technician (1), reaching for the fourth consecutive year the maximum permitted seats in the course (8).
The presence of the latter participants, has enabled the exchange of knowledge between pairs which has been very valuable for the enrichment of this course. The evaluations of the participants collected by the Quality Unit have been satisfactory with an overall score of 4.50 out of 5 in this course.