The SGIker Scientometrics Unit teaches the 5th edition of the course "first steps in a research career" to students from the doctoral school of the UPV/EHU
First publication date: 31/03/2022

In line with its training activity, the Scientometrics Unit of the General Research Services (SGIker) of the UPV/EHU, has given in its fifth edition the course "First steps in the research career" to a total of 52 doctoral students during the months of February and March 2022, at the Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa Campuses.
This course, which has been held since 2016, is offered in face-to-face format within the set of transversal training activities of the Doctoral School, and its main objectives are: to introduce the different contracts for research staff and the aid for hiring staff researcher summoned by the different public entities; explain the figures of teaching staff, the accreditation processes and the evaluation agencies of the teaching staff; and convey the need to know the indicators used to measure research activity in any research area.
Over the course of ten hours distributed over two mornings, the technical staff of the Scientometrics Unit has shown the doctoral students, made up of 34 women and 18 men, the main stages that make up the trajectory of those who dedicate themselves to research, as well as as the criteria applied to evaluate its scientific production, from an eminently practical point of view, covering all branches of knowledge, and incorporating at all times the latest modifications made by the evaluating agencies.