Scientometry Unit of SGIker participates in the IV Conference of Nursing Faculty of the Basque Country organized by the School of Nursing of Leioa UPV/EHU
First publication date: 18/01/2016
Invited by the School of Nursing at the UPV/EHU in Leioa, Dr in Scientometry Unit of the General Research Services (SGIker), Maria Jose Rodriguez Ruiz and Fatima Pastor Tojo have given a session on "Indicators Impact on Nursing "in order to explain the main indicators used to assess faculty research in the area of Nursing, in a classroom of the School in Leioa, on January 12th, 2016.
At the conference, which has attended numerous staff researcher from Nursing Schools of the UPV/EHU in Leioa, San Sebastian and Vitoria, also participated Dr. Cristina Monforte Royo, Director, Department of Nursing and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the International University of Catalonia (UIC) which has a extensive experience as Vice President of the Conference of Deans of Nursing (CNDE) and member of the Working Group on Accreditation and CNEAI at the same Conference.