Tenth edition of the training course developed from the SCAB in gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (2017/05/12)
First publication date: 12/05/2017

One more year the GC/MS course in the SCAB has also been given to researchers and faculty at the UPV/EHU. On this occasion, together with researchers from the UPV/EHU, researchers from technology centers such as TECNALIA or AZTI have also attended.
All of them have been able to deepen the knowledge and management of the technique as well as the discovery of habits of good use and maintenance for the proper functioning of their respective GC/MS measurement instruments. It should be noted that this year 2017 was the tenth year in which this training course organized and taught by the technician Luis Bartolomé of the General Research Services (SGIker) is held on an uninterrupted basis.
During these 10 years more than 60 researchers from different areas of science and from different research centers in the Basque Country and the State have passed through this course. In addition, during this time this course has been continuously improved by including it, for example, within the training offer under ISO 9001 quality standard.
The high participation in this course during this time (2008-2017) together with the good results obtained in the satisfaction surveys of the participants in these years, invite us to believe that the objectives that led to the launch of this type are being fulfilled : The extension of the knowledge of leading analytical techniques to the different researchers working in different fields of science. From SGIker, we can only thank you for your confidence and continue working to improve and expand this training offer in GC/MS, keeping it always up to the expectations of our researchers.