Maite Fuentes, technician of the animal arrival of the general research services (SGIker), has won the spanish tale contest of the spanish society for laboratory animal sciences (SECAL) (2017/12/12)
First publication date: 12/12/2017

The technician of the Animal Unit of SGIker, Maite Fuentes, together with Aitor Toyos and their children Markel and Maider of 8 and 3 years respectively have been the winners of the Children's Short Story Contest convened by SECAL in its latest edition, with "La Historia de Mussi" . The importance of being a laboratory animal. "
The delivery of the prize to the authors of the story, which describes in a simple tone and with children's illustrations the life of a laboratory mouse and its essential function for scientific research, took place on June 16 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in the framework of the XIV SECAL Congress.
The purpose of the national contest is to write a story aimed at children between 8 and 12 years old, highlighting the role of the laboratory animal for the benefit of society, and following the model of the story "The importance of being a mouse "By Ann R. Gernhardt and Robert Fisher.
In addition to encouraging actions, feelings and behaviors related to animals in laboratory, the contest seeks that the participants: express and develop their ideas in a consistent and responsible manner; exercise the language used within the framework of the investigation; investigate and value the importance of animals in the world of research; and recognize the reality related to good practices (laws, agreements, treaties, etc.) within the environment of the laboratory animal.
Values all of them that have been appreciated by the Jury of the SECAL to award the award to Maite Fuentes, Aitor Toyos, Markel Toyos and Maider Toyos, for his story "The History of Mussi. The importance of being a laboratory animal. "
The story can be found at the following address: