The mass spectrometry coupled chromatography course (GC/MS),has finished for the third consecutive year with all the places being filled (2019/06/06)
First publication date: 06/06/2019

In the last week of May, another edition of the SGIker training course was developed. Following the format of other years, researchers who have participated in this course of 30 hours, have been able to deepen the theoretical knowledge of this technique of instrumental analysis and apply them in a more practical way in front of a GC/MS .
One more year, it has been completed with participants (9) from different research centers: the General Services of the University of Vigo in the Ourense campus, from the technological support to research center (CACTI) in the Vigo campus, AZTI Tecnalia, doctoral students of the UPV/EHU, students of higher degree of the professional training institute Elorrieta Erreka-Mari, Legal Medical Institute (IML) of the Basque Government or the Aranzadi Science Society. The heterogeneity of the areas of application of the different participants (food, forensic, environmental or industrial area) has greatly enriched the practical and theoretical explanations of the course teacher, the technician of the Central Analysis Service of Bizkaia Dr. Luis Bartolomé.
From the SGIker, we are very happy with the reception of our training courses in the research field and we thank you for your trust and fidelity. We place the people who have been left out of this call and other research staff to sign up for the next course by visiting our website which will be taught at the beginning of next year (January-February 2020).