The SCAB (Central Analysis Service Bizkaia) collaborates in a study on the identification of flammable solvents used in chemical initiation molotov cocktails (2016/10/25)
First publication date: 25/10/2016

Among the various incendiary devices in vandalism or used as initiators fire acts, we find increasingly more usually called chemical initiation molotov cocktails. Such devices are composed of different flammable liquids mixed with sulfuric acid. The presence of this type of acid can seriously distort the identifying traces of use and distort the subsequent forensic analysis by the forces and state security bodies.
In this work carried out between the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the UPV/EHU, the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the University of Alcalá and the Central Analysis Service Bizkaia (SGIker), information will be obtained which will be specially useful for the analysis of chemical reactions and products generated in such devices. All this information can then be included in databases of forensic identification for proper interpretation.