Approved the new SGIker Service Charter (2021/01/26)
First publication date: 26/01/2021
The General Secretary of the UPV/EHU has approved the new Charter of Services of the General Research Services (SGIKer) with a period of validity from 2021 to 2023. With this document the administrative units, integrated in the aforementioned letter, undertake to publicly inform users of the services they provide and of the quality commitments, rights and obligations they assume.
In the drafting of the letter, the Unikude software, from the Institutional Quality and Evaluation Service (KEIZ), has been used. The Administrative Innovation and Modernization Service (SIMA) has intervened in the processing and advice process.
The objective of the SGIker, with this new commitment document, is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency in supporting Research, through continuous improvement in the care and services offered to the scientific community of the UPV / EHU itself and of Public Institutes and companies that request the use of their high-tech equipment.