IIIrd Crystallization Contest at the Cantabrian School (2019/05/23)
First publication date: 23/05/2019

On May 3rd, the General Research Services, SGIker, of the UPV/EHU, participated as a jury in the IIIrd Crystallization Contest at the Cantabrian School, held at the University of Cantabria with the assistance of Prof. Maribel Arriortua and Iñaki Echeverria.
The contest was organized by Dr. Manuel de Pedro and Dr. José Antonio Barreda, both attached to the Department of Earth Sciences and Physics of Condensed Matter of the University of Cantabria.
The inauguration of the event was made by Prof. José Carlos Gómez Sal, Professor of Physics of Condensed Matter of the CITIMAT department, who illustrated the day with the discoveries of relevant science persons, throughout history.
This third edition has had the participation of 18 Secondary Institutes and 4 Primary schools, presenting, all of them, projects with crystals of great beauty and color. In addition to highlighting its high quality, the participants have demonstrated the internalization of the scientific method, as it was collected in their laboratory notebooks and in the passion with which they defended their work.
The event ended with the awards ceremony, in recognition of the enthusiasm and effort of the participants and was carried out by relevant people from the Cantabrian community and sponsoring entities, and the main objective of the contest was fulfilled: the promotion of the research vocation among the youngest, protagonists of the future.