SGIker opens 20th Annual Meeting - EBSA conference, Madrid 26th-28th April 2017 (2017/05/26)
First publication date: 26/05/2017

The General Research Services coordinator, SGIker, of the University of the Basque Country, UPV / EHU and President of the Spanish Biosafety Association, AEBioS, Iñaki Echeverria, opened the annual conference of the European Biosafety Association, EBSA in Its 20th edition, held in Madrid.
During three days, relevant facilities in the field of biosafety in the State such as the Center for Animal Health, CISA-INIA or the isolation unit of the Gomez Ulla hospital could be visited.
In addition, speakers from all parts of the globe shared their knowledge about new transmission vectors (ticks or insects), in the hospital area, on ethics in biosafety or applied biosafety, among others. The complete program can be consulted at the following address:
Also, progress was made in a draft on the minimum knowledge that a biosafety professional should have and its implementation as regulated university education.
Finally, it was agreed the regulations that will be sent to AENOR for publication with the requirements that a biocontened installation must fulfill.