SGIker (General Services for Research) in UPV/EHU get a new accreditation in the unit of sequencing and genotyping of Bizkaia (2016/02/17)
First publication date: 17/02/2016

Accredited under the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 for testing of parenthood.
ENAC (National Accreditation entity) grants accreditation to the Sequencing and Genotyping Unit of SGIker, in recognition of the technical competence for testing of forensic genetics.
This time in particular, has achieved accreditation for testing human biological kinship (paternity and maternity).
In the Sequencing and Genotyping Unit of SGIker, tests for parenthood are carried out according to the requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 17025 and under a series of internal controls to ensure the reliability of the results obtained . These controls have been established thanks to a long validation process carried out by technical experts of the Unit and the experience gained after 10 years of participation in intercomparison exercises organized by the GHEP-ISFG (Group of Spanish and Portuguese-Speaking of International Society for Forensic Genetics).
This new accreditation extends the range obtained by the Central Analysis Service Bizkaia in 2013 in the environmental sector, thus strengthening the commitment of SGIker for technical competence based system.
The technical annex will be available on the website of ENAC.