Asset Publisher

H2020: EU brokerage event in Key Enabling Technologies (KET)

First publication date: 01/03/2016

Date: 12/05/2016

Place: Favorite Parkhotel, Mainz, Alemania

Organiser: German and French NCPs (National Contact Point) and Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).

This event is dedicated to Key Enabling Technologies and will target upcoming calls in the following thematic fields:
• Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials
• Biotechnologies
• Advanced manufacturing and processing
• Energy efficiency in Buildings (PPP EeB)
• Factories of the Future (PPP FoF)
• Sustainable process industries (PPP SPIRE)

The objectives of the brokerage event are to present the 2017 topics of the European Union's NMBP Work Programme 2016 – 2017 of the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation "Horizon 2020" and to prepare future co-operation between participants.

Participants will have the opportunity to present their own project concepts and to meet representatives from companies/ SMEs, universities and research organisations in order to exchange ideas during pre-arranged meetings with the aim of paving the way for future co-operations and European projects including call topics for 2017.

Link to the event:

If you want to participate in the brokerage event, you could apply for grants for the preparation of European proposals:

More information: