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Day of Forensic Genetics

When and where

From: 22/02/2013 To: 26/12/2013, 00:00 - 00:00


Organized by the Biomics Group, in the field of the Masters in Forensics
February 22, 2013
Videoconferencing Room
Ikergunea Lascaray Research Center


  • 10h00 Jose Angel Peña. University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.
    Information from the DNA in historical cases.

  • 11h00 Arturo Pereira. Porto (Portugal).
    Legal aspects of forensic genetics in the study of post-mortem remains.

  • 12h00 Fátima Terra Pinheiro. North Delegation of the National Institute of Legal Medicine in Portugal (Porto, Portugal).
    Forensic DNA Analysis in Portugal.

  • 13h00 Christine Keyser. Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg, France)
    Ancient DNA: from paleogenetic to paleogenomic.

  • 16h30 Jose Antonio Riancho. University of Cantabria.
    Bayes theorem applied to Forensic Genetics.

  • 17h15 Maite Zarrabeitia. University of Cantabria.
    Clinical applications of forensic methodology.