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The scientific entrepreneur and the trip from the laboratory to the market, Investigate and Undertake?

When and where

04/2013 04/2013


Entrepreneurship is a challenge, especially for the university researcher. One of the main difficulties in considering a business from this environment is the lack of knowledge of the processes involved in the creation and management of companies, creating fear and insecurity.

What advantages / benefits for the researcher is entrepreneurship?


  • Encouraging researchers to explore options to complement their professional enrichment.
  • Clearing doubts about the challenge of undertaking or collaborate proactively with businesses.
  • Promote an approach to business, highlighting the benefits of entrepreneurship processes pose for the quality of research, the researcher's career and social projection of the result of their work.
  • Remove some of the prejudice in the academic environment on the business evaluation results of the investigation, the pros and cons and the various options for doing so.


Researchers, research groups, Predoctorandos and postdocs with interest and motivation in the process of entrepreneurship.


  • 9:30 a.m. Presentation Entreprenari Program. Laura Espin. Responsible Entreprenari Program
  • 9:40 a.m. "The scientist and his entrepreneur journey from lab to market: investigate and undertake?" Amalio Rey - Founder and Director of Emotools
    • Investigate and / or undertaking. Cultural differences and challenges: where is the balance point?
    • Motivations and incentives. Advantages and benefits of undertaking from the perspective of researchers
    • Fears, doubts, and genuine inconveniences which the world of research has on the challenge of undertaking
    • The best conditions for participation in entrepreneurship
    • Routes to exploit the results of R & D
  • 11:40 a.m. Coffee Break
  • 12:00 p.m. Experiences of university spin-off companies
  • 12:30 p.m. Debate - symposium

Date: April 16, 2013
Time: 9:30 a.m -01:30 p.m
Location: Center Joxe Mari Korta, UPV / EHU, Gipuzkoa Campus (Auditorium) Avenida Tolosa 72. 20018-Donostia


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