Asset Publisher

Call EIG CONCERT-Japan: Food Crops and Biomass Production Technologies

First publication date: 01/03/2016

The European Interest Group for Japan (EIG Japan) was established in 2014 as a platform for communication between the Science and Technology agencies in European countries and Japan. 

Spain, through the Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation (General Subdirectorate for International Projects) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), participates in the initiative with a budget of 250,000 €.

The call has been published through the initiative's website EIG CONCERT-Japan and contemplates the following lines of research: "The overall aim of this call is to support scientific research to further our understanding of the various phenotypes of useful food crops and biomass (including also algae biomass) plant species under a variety of environmental conditions towards improved yield and quality/functionality of those species under changing global climate".

MINECO will finance eligible Spanish organizations that participate in projects approved in the transnational call, in accordance with the national annex, by means of the national programme "Acciones de Programación Conjunta Internacional 2016". MINECO will fund projects on all subjects included in the EIG CONCERT-Japan call, with the exception of those projects related to biomass

The maximum amount of financing available to the Spanish part of any proposal will be 100,000 Euros in the case of a Spanish organisation participating as a partner, and 150,000 Euros in the case of the Spanish organisation coordinating the proposal. If two or more Spanish legal entities participate in the same proposal, the maximum amount of funding of the eligible Spanish part by MINECO will be limited to 150,000 € (an additional 50,000 € will be available if one of the Spanish entities is the coordinator (principle project leader) of the transnational proposal). 

It is important to consult the national annex, since some incompatibilities have been identified. 

Deadline for presentation of proposals: 28th of April 2016.

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