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Crystal structure representation contest

When and where

18/11/2016 18/11/2016, 00:00 - 00:00


Since ancient times, crystals have fascinated humanity. But this crystalline beauty is not only on the outside: its internal structure, the order they present in the placement of atoms, in the stacking of its molecules, also have a harmony and a perfection that surprises us.

The crystalline structures, resolved through X-ray diffraction, have allowed scientists to know the origin of the properties of numerous substances: minerals, new materials, drugs, biomolecules. Beyond its usefulness to science, structures are also a source of astonishment and admiration. This contest pretends to show all the beauty that exists in the crystals through the images that show its internal structure: the art that enclose your crystals.

The deadline for the presentation of images will begin on Tuesday, November 1st, 2016 and end on Friday, December 2nd, 2016.