SGIkers awards prizes for their VI Scientific Photography Contest
Joana Hevia Orube and Nerea Gil González, Winners of VIth Contest of SGIker Scientific Photography
First publication date: 13/02/2015

The images "Reloj de arena" by Joana Hevia Orube, and "Tentáculos de poliestireno" by Nerea Gil Gonzalez, were the honored at the sixth edition of Scientific Photography Contest of the General Research Services, SGIker, in the modalities of Life Sciences and Materials and Technology Sciences and respectively.
The awards ceremony took place on February 12th, 2015, in the Board Room of the Central Library of Bizkaia Campus (Leioa), chaired by the Vice Chancellor for Research at the UPV/ EHU, Fernando Plazaola, SGIker director, Maribel Arriortua, and Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Juan Miguel Aréchaga. In the event, in which audience attended , the authors of the winning photographs have explained the meaning and process of creating their works, and has delivered the diploma and a tablet.
On this occasion, the jury, chaired by the Vice President for Research and consisting of experts in different scientific areas involved, had to choose the winning photographs from a total of 46 images submitted to the contest by 28 researchers, of which 54% have done in the field of life sciences, and 46% in Science and Technology of Materials. As in previous editions, the Jury decision has been especially difficult for the high quality of the works presented, highlighting the works awarded for their visual impact, technical difficulty, the scientific result, originality, design and artistic perspective and didactic style of each.
The image taken by the researcher Joana Orube Hevia, Department of Plant Biology and Ecology at the UPV/EHU, "Reloj de Arena" shows the structure of a microalga siliceous called Skeletonema costatum 7 microns in diameter. This alga- as explained its author in the act of delivery- form red tides in various parts of the world, disappears from the waters of the estuary of Bilbao in winter and reappears as soon as environmental conditions are favorable. The Skeletonema costatum was isolated from the estuary of Bilbao and cultivated in the laboratory. After cleaning with acids the organic matter, it has been covered with a film of chromium. The image was taken with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) Service Microscopy Analytical and High Resolution in Biomedicine
In the category of Science and Technology of Materials, the winner "Tentáculos de poliestireno" by the researcher Nerea Gil Gonzalez, Department of Physics and Chemistry of the UPV / EHU, exhibits polystyrene nanotubes. Nanostructuring, according to the author, is carried out by infiltration of melted polymer in anodized alumina membranes (AAO) . Once the polymer solidified in the cavities, AAO templates were dissolved with an acid. With these nanostructures the increase the hydrophobicity of the surface is achieved.
The image was made with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) Service Microscopy Analytical and High Resolution in Biomedicine.
In the area of Life Science, the expert commission has been formed by Juan María Dolores Aréchaga and María DoloresBoyano, both of the Department of Cell Biology, Maria Puy Portillo Department of Pharmacy and Food Science, María Jesús Cueto, the Department of Sculpture and Jorge Navarro, SGIker.
In the field of Science and Technology of Materials, the jury was composed of Agustín Etxeberria Department of Science and Technology of Polymers, Juan Manuel Madariaga, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Arantza Eceiza Department of Chemical Engineering and Environment, Luis Maria Lezama Department of Inorganic Chemistry, and Nerea Legarreta Drawing Department.
All photographs submitted to the contest can be viewed at the following web gallery.
From SGIker we want to thank the entire research community his interest for participating in this new edition of Scientific Photography Contest.
Image gallery
Jury. Fernando Plazaola, Vice President for Research in the middle, accompanied by Juan Aréchaga professor in the Department. Of Cell Biology and Histology, Faculty of Medicine and Odontology and Maribel Arriortua Director of the Advanced Research Facilities, SGIker. -
Jury. Fernando Plazaola, Vice President for Research in the middle, accompanied by Juan Aréchaga professor in the Department. Of Cell Biology and Histology, Faculty of Medicine and Odontology and Maribel Arriortua Director of the Advanced Research Facilities, SGIker. -
Election of the winning image in the area of Life Sciences. -
Winning image SGIker VI Scientific Photography Contest in the area of Life Sciences. -
Joana Hevia Orube winner in the Area of Science and Technology of Materials explaining her work. -
Delivery of award in the area of Life Sciences. -
Joana Hevia Orube with diploma. -
Election of the winning image in the Area of Materials Science and Technology. -
Winning image SGIker VI Scientific Photography Contest in Area of Science and Technology of Materials. -
Nerea Gil González winner in the Area of Science and Technology of Materials explaining her work. -
Delivery of the award in the Area Materials Science and Technology. -
Nerea Gil González with the diploma. -
Winners of the SGIker VI Scientific Photography Contest. -
Nerea Gil eta Joana Hevia, SGIker Argazki Zientifikoen VI lehiaketaren irabazleak. -
Nerea Gil and Joana Hevia, winners of SGIker VI Scientific Photography Contest. -
Overview of the attendees. -
Attendees to the ceremony. -
Some finalists of SGIker VI Scientific Photography Contest. -
Expectation among the finalists of the SGIker VI Scientific Photography Contest.