Asset Publisher


Authors (by signature): N.Iturriza, C. Garcia, L.Fernandez, J.J. del Val, J.Gonzalez, G.Vara and A.R.Pierna.

Title: Structural, magnetic and magnetostriction behaviors during the nanocrystallitazion of the amorphous Ni 5 Fe 68.5 Si 13.5 B 9 Nb 3 Cu 1 alloy.pdf

Publication: J.Applied Physic Vol : Pag: Acept


Authors (by signature): A.R.Pierna ( CONFERENCIA INVITADA)

Title: Aplicación de aleaciones metálicas amorfas de NiNbPtX (X=Sn,Ru y Sb) como anodos en pilas de oxidación directa de metanol (DMFC).

Publication: HYFUSEN 2005 ( ISBN: 987-21933-2-0) Vol : 1 Pag: 167-175 CLAVE: A


Authors (by signature): A.R.Pierna, J.Barranco, E.Pastor and C.García

Title: Development of anode NiNbPtX ( X= Sn, Ru) for a direct methanol fuel cell.

Publication: J. Power Sources Vol : Pag: Send CLAVE: A


Authors (by signature): J.Barranco y A.R.Pierna,

Title: Aleaciones amorfas bi-catalíticas mas tolerantes al CO.

Publication: Proced. II Congreso Nacional de Pilas de Comb. Vol : ISBN.: 84-690-1309-2 Pag: 78-82


Authors (by signature): A.R.Pierna, J. Barranco

Title: Influencia de la naturaleza y composición de las aleaciones metálicas amorfas de Ni 59 Nb 40 Ptx Y 1-x ( Y= Sn,Ru) en la electrooxidación de metanol y monóxido de carbono.

Publication: Libro del IV Workshop Pilas de Combustible Vol : 1 . Pag: 297-315


AUTORES: Elbaile, Laura; Pierna, Angel R.; Garcia, Jose A.; Crespo, Rosario D.; Vara, Gemma; Angeles Cerdeira, M.; Tejedor, Marcos.

TITULO: Effect of the oxidation in the surface coercive force of nanocrystalline Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 alloy.pdf

REVISTA: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2006), 304(2), e630-e632. CODEN: JMMMDC ISSN:0304-8853. CAN 145:200959 AN 2006:530163 CAPLUS



Title: Effect of the oxidation in the surface magnetic properties of as quenched and relaxed Finemet alloy.pdf

Publication: J. OF NON CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS Vol : Pag: Acept