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Usoa Fullaondo graduated in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country in 2001 and she finished her PhD in 2010 in the Department of Painting of the same University. She currently teaches in the Art Degree (Subjects: Irudi Laborategia eta Laborategia) and in the Master Degree (Subject: Apoyos teóricos y recursos prácticos dirigidos al desarrollo de proyectos artísticos). Since 2017, she has been part of the research project Subjectivity in practice-based artistic research. She has taught at Oslo and Akhersus University College of Applied Sciences and in 2017 she did a research mobility at Senselab (Concordia University, Montreal).

She combines teaching and research with artistic production and she has taken part in certain exhibitions in different galleries: Luis Adelantado, Círculo de Bellas Artes (Madrid), Space4Arte (San Diego), Rekalde Aretoa, Centro Cultural Montehermoso. She has also got different artistic grants: Bilbaoarte Art Project Residency, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia Art Fellowship, Grant Visual Arts Fellowship from Basque Government and Banff Centre. She got the Injuve award in 2009. Her publications include the book Un Atletismo Afectivo (2016) and the article What can a process do? A passage from ritual to rituality published by Journal for Artistic Research.

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