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Knowledge area
Teaching and School Organisation
School Didactics and Organization
Electronic mail

Director of the University Master in Technology, Learning and Education and Secretary of the Vicerectorate of Campus Bizkaia

She teaches in the Master for the accreditation of teachers of Secondary Education and in the Master in Technology, Learning and Education. She has directed and participated in subsidized projects of educational innovation and is a trainer in continuing education courses aimed at professors active both at the university level and at other educational levels. Obtained Excellent qualification in Docentiaz.

She is a member of the Weblearner consolidated research group of the Faculty of Education of Bilbao. She has participated in numerous competitive investigations and is the author of different publications in national and international scientific journals, several of them in journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR). She is an associate editor of the Journal of Psychodidactics (JCR and SCOPUS Q1) and has participated as a communicator and guest speaker at International Congresses.

She has participated as a teacher in MOOC courses, offered by the UPV / EHU in Miriadax. The research team to which it belongs has become one of the Spanish references in MOOC research, with publications indexed in JCR, another in Scopus and one last in the Web of Science (ESCI).

She has been Director of Methodological Innovation at the UPV/EHU.

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