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Procedural Law I26153

Faculty of Law. Bizkaia Department
Bachelor's Degree In Law
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups1827

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The teaching of the Subject Procedural Law I, which will take place and will be developed subject following the lessons included in the previous section, has as fundamental objective that of the teaching of Law and the specifities of our discipline: therefore, to achieve that the student acquires a general satisfactory legal procedural knowledge and a method of rigorously scientific juridical reasoning. Thus, form him properly as a jurist, in the basic and applied aspects of Jurisdictional or Procedural Law, and not prepare him for a profession, since the Faculty of Law is not a factory of graduates.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

This is concreted in achieving adequate knowledge about the General Part of Procedural Law, specifically in the following aspects:

a) The constitutional and scientific-juridical foundations of Jurisdictional or Procedural Law, as well as the concepts of Jurisdiction, Action and Process, as well as on the function of this part of legal knowledge in the legal system as a whole, and the specific qualities of its norms.

b) The Spanish judicial organization, the statute of the personnel (staff) at its service, particularly that of the Judges and Magistrates, and the competence of the bodies that compose it.

c) The most relevant cases of fact or practical cases in relation to the theoretical subjects studied in the subject Procedural Law I.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1 [Conflict and ways of solution].

I. Initial approach to the Discipline: Example of departure.- II. The intersubjective conflicts of legal interests and the material Right.- III. Means of solving such conflicts -IV. The Jurisdictional Law (Procedural) and its fundamental concepts. The procedural cycle.- V. Global structure of Jurisdictional Law

2 [jurisdictional power].

I.- The theory of the division of powers and its organic repercussions.- II. The jurisdictional power and its scope (ambit) of exercise.- III. The constitutional meaning of the Judicial Power: IV. The emanation of the Justice from the people and its administration in the name of the King.- V. The political principles of the jurisdictional power.- VI. The principle of the unity of Jurisdiction.- VII. The jurisdictional bodies (authority): Concept and clases. - VIII. The autonomic State and the judicial power.- IX. The principle of the exclusivity of the Jurisdiction.- X. The principle of the legal judge or judge predetermined by the Law.

3 [Independence and responsability].

I. The Judges and Magistrates and their determining principles.- II. The principle of judicial independence and its guarantees.- III. The principle of judicial responsibility.- IV. The patrimonial responsibility of the State in judicial matters.

4 [the jurisdictional funtion].

I. The jurisdictional function: most important conceptions, evolution and current situation.- II. The pretension and the resistance: Brief reference to the object of the process. III. The irrevocable action of the right (law).

5 [The Goberment of Judicial Power].

I. The General Council of the Judicial Power.- II. The Government Rooms.- III. The presidents of the Courts and of the hearings (tribunals).- IV. The judges.- V. The Dean Judges and the Judges' Meetings.- VI. The inspection of Courts.

6 [Judicial Organization: bodies (organs)].

I. The Judicial Power as an organization. Criteria: The unipersonal organs (Courts) and the collegiate ones (Courts/tribunals) .- II. The constitution of the ordinary Courts: A) Unipersonal bodies (organs); B) Collegiate bodies (organs).

7 [Judicial Organization: personnel (staff)].

I. The jurisdictional staff and its legal status.- II. The auxiliary personnel. -III. The collaborating staff

8 [General Concepts].

I. The competence: Concept.- II. The extent and limits of the jurisdiction.- III. The generic competence.- IV. The attribution criteria.- V. The Competence issues or conflicts.- VI. Possible alterations in the definitive determination of the competence.- VII. The distribution of judicial businesses (cases).

9 [Concept].

I. The legal situations of the persons with respect to the Jurisdiction.- II. Action as a right to jurisdictional activity.- III. The fundamental right to effective judicial protection: holders, essential content and means (ways) of guardianship.

10 [free Justice or free legal assistance].

I. Free access to justice.- II. The right to free legal assistance.- III. Procedural proceeding.

11 [THE PROCESS: Concept, nature and types].

I. Nature and structure of the process.- II. The instrumental nature of the process.- III. Its artificial and technical condition.- IV. The legal nature of the process.- V. Process, procedure, trial.- VI. Classes (types) of processes by reason of the matter: The civil process. The criminal process. The labor process The contentious-administrative process.- VII. Types of proceedings (process) for reasons of guardianship: The declaration process. The execution process. The precautionary process.

12 [ General principles].

I. The principles of the process.- II. Sense (meaning) of the theory of principles.- III. The constitutionalization and internationalization of procedural principles.- IV. Classification of principles.- V. The common principles to all processes

13 [Principles of the process and the procedure].

I. The principles of the process.- II. The principles related to the material powers of direction of the process. III. The principles of free and legal evaluation of the judicial evidence.- IV. The principles of the procedure. Form and formalism.

14 [Procedural acts: concept, requirements and types].

I. Procedural acts: concept and distinction between facts and procedural acts.- II. Requirements for procedural acts.- III. Inefficacy of procedural acts.- IV. The judicial resolutions.- V. Resolutions of the Lawyer of the administration of justice.- VI. The acts of communication.

15 [Alternative Dispute Resolutions “ADR”: Concept, requirements and types].

I. Emergence of ADR.- II. Concept and requirements of the ADR.- III. Evolution of the ADR: court-annexed ADR and ODR.- IV. ADR Techniques.- V. Critics and the future of ADR.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The methodology proposed in the course Procedural Law I combines the theoretical classes with the realization of practical cases according to the requirements of the Bologna Plan.

According to a schedule set out in the classroom, in all the teaching units, the following scheme will be followed:

1) Analysis of the didactic unit by the student.

2) Exhibition of the didactic unit by the teacher and clarification of doubts by the students.

3) The realization of practices that guarantee the total understanding and assimilation of the subject by the student.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Oral defense (%): 70
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 30

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The student, by signing the contract-program of the subject Procedural Law I, may choose between two systems of evaluation: a) continuous and b) final.

The evaluation system chosen links (obliges) the student to the whole course (ordinary and extraordinary call), notwithstanding that, according to the regulations of the UPV / EHU, the student is allowed to opt out of the continuous evaluation.

It will be understood that those students who do not subscribe to the contract-program opt for the final evaluation system.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The chosen evaluation system links (obliges) the student to the whole course (ordinary and extraordinary call), notwithstanding that, according to the regulations of the UPV / EHU, the possibility of renouncing continuous assessment is recognized.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

For the study of Procedural Law I, are propoused the last legal editions of the following legislations:
1) Spanish Constitution (1978).
2) Judicial Organization or “Judicial Power`s Organic Law” (LOPJ 1985).
3) Other particular procedural legislation, which will be indicated in class in a timely manner, such as The Civil Procedural Law and The Criminal Procedural law.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Recommended manuals:

GÓMEZ COLOMER, Juan Luis (coord.); BARONA VILAR, Silvia (coord.). Derecho Jurisdiccional I, Parte General, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia (last edition).

ASENCIO MELLADO, José María. Introducción al derecho procesal, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia (last edition).

GIMENO SENDRA, Vicente. Introducción al Derecho Procesal, Ediciones Jurídicas Castillo de Luna, Madrid (last edition).

GIMENO SENDRA, Vicente. Introducción al derecho procesal, Colex, Madrid (last edition).

LÓPEZ JIMÉNEZ, Raquel; ARNAIZ SERRANO, Amaya. Esquemas de organización judicial. Tribunales nacionales y supranacionales (Tomo I), Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia (last edition).

MORENO CATENA, Víctor y CORTÉS DOMÍNGUEZ, Valentín. Introducción al derecho procesal, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia (last edition).

NIEVA FENOLL, Jordi. Derecho procesal I. Introducción, Marcial Pons, Madrid (last edition).

ORMAZÁBAL SÁNCHEZ, Guillermo. Introducción al Derecho procesal, Marcial Pons, Madrid (last edition).

Ortells Ramos, Manuel. Introducción al derecho procesal, Aranzadi (last edition).

RAMOS MÉNDEZ, Francisco. El sistema procesal español, Atelier, Barcelona (last edition).

SAIZ GARITAONANDIA, Alberto. Zuzenbide Prozesalerako Sarrera, UPV/EHU, Leioa 2006 (http://testubiltegia.ehu.es/).

VALENCIA MIRÓN, Antonio José. Introducción al Derecho Procesal, Comares, Granada (last edition).

In-depth bibliography


Revista General del Derecho
Diario La Ley
Justicia: Revista de Derecho Procesal
Iuris: actualidad y práctica del Derecho.

Web addresses


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