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Basque Economy in the Globalised World27213

Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
Double Bachelor's degree in Political Science & Public-Sector Management and Sociology
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups1421

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

This subject analyses the evolution and structure of the economy of the Basque Country in the context of globalisation. Therefore, taking the compulsory subject of Globalisation and the World Economic System as a starting point, taking the compulsory subject of Globalisation and the World Economic System as a starting point, it is complement it insofar as it approaches the subject from a local point of view.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


CB2 - That students know how to apply their knowledge in a professional manner in their work or vocation and argue the competences that are usually demonstrated by doing and competences that are usually demonstrated by doing and defending and solving problems in their field of learning.

CB3 - Students' ability to collect and interpret relevant data (usually in their field of study),

express opinions including reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.

CB4 - Students are able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and general audiences to the general public.

CB5 - Development by students of the learning skills necessary to approach future studies with a high degree of autonomy further studies


G007 - Knowledge of public approaches and objectives of governance and political decision-making processes, planning, implementation, evaluation and analysis of public policies.

G008 - Develop indicators based on quantitative and qualitative data on political phenomena and identify, analyse and evaluate the dimensions of the functioning of public policies,

analysing and evaluating the dimensions of the functioning of the administration.

G009 - Analyse synthetically the information on political problems and needs of society, critical attitude and intellectual and moral rigour in the and intellectual and moral rigour in professional work.


TC1 - Autonomy and self-regulation

TC2 - Social commitment

TC5 - Information management and digital citizenship

TC7 - Critical thinking


C4CC03 - Understanding the processes of globalisation and its political and economic agents in the contemporary world.


RA1 - To know the main characteristics, agents and consequences of economic globalisation and share with the Basque economy.

RA2 - To know how to interpret the reasons for and the evolution of the changes that have taken place in the economy of the Basque Country throughout the 20th century.

RA3 - To know the structural characteristics of the current economy of the Basque Country and to

know how to situate oneself in the economy.

RA4 - To reflect on and become aware of the challenges facing the economy of the Basque Country at the beginning of this century.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation


What do we know about the economy? Review of basic concepts. What do we know about the Basque economy?

TOPIC 1. Basque economy and globalisation.

Globalisation and local vision; concept and characteristics. The Basque economy in the context of globalisation.

TOPIC 2. Historical vision of the Basque Country's economy.

The Basque economy from the 19th century to 1940: industrialisation process. From autarky to the European Union: the Basque economy in the 20th century.

THEME 3. Economic structure of the Basque Country.

Evolution of the Basque economic structure. Structure and evolution of the primary sector: agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing. Industry in the Basque Country today: energy, iron and steel, shipbuilding, automotive, machine tools, domestic appliances, construction and new technologies. Services sector: education, transport, financial sector. Foreign sector: foreign trade relations. Public sector: fiscal and budgetary policy.

TOPIC 4. Situation of the Basque economy.

Macroeconomic indicators and their interpretation. Analysis of the economic situation. Economic policies and public intervention.

TOPIC 5. Current challenges facing the Basque economy.

Impact of the climate emergency on the Basque economy. Sustainability and the role of the circular economy. Social and solidarity economy: consolidation and implementation. Euskal Herria vs Euskal Hiria: cross-border and inter-city cooperation. Business internationalisation and foreign relations. Innovation and industrial policy. Fiscal policy: direction and harmonisation. Labour relations: companies and workers in competitive competition. Poverty and precariousness: consequences of the crisis overcoming.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The teaching methodology is participatory, with contributions from both teachers and students. The programme of the subject will be completed both with the teacher's explanations in the lectures and with the comments and presentations made by the students.

Everything presented and discussed in the classroom will be dealt with, encouraging both participation and debate during class time, both as a result of the lectures and after the work presented by the students in class.

The materials that make up the explanations given in class will be available to students on the e-gela platform (https://egela.ehu.eus /), as well as any other material necessary for practices or presentations in class. The teacher will inform students of this when necessary.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Exercises, specific questions, textual comments, audio-visual comments, individual and collective written academic work, presentation of academic work in class, etc. (%): 100

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The evaluation of the subject will be continuous throughout the whole term. Therefore, class attendance is compulsory and active and participative behaviour will be and active and participative behaviour will be positively valued.

100% of the final grade of the course will be graded by means of tests that will be carried out in continuous assessment: both practical (%50) and individual and group academic work and their presentations in class (50%).

The aim of the practicals is to develop an applied vision of the contents of the subject. On the other hand, the academic work will also develop both analytical and expressive skills.

The academic work will also develop both analytical skills and expressive linguistic competences through the presentation of the same.

Copying all or a significant part of the academic work (or practicals) will result in a failing grade in the subject. Likewise, any assignment that does not correspond to the student's authorship (e.g. fraudulent use of artificial tools) will be considered a fail. The same applies to students taking the final exam: cheating in the exam will result in a fail grade.

Those who refuse to participate in the continuous assessment system and opt for the final exam will receive 100% of their mark; this exam will be based on the basic bibliography of the subject and the contents covered in class. Only a pen will be necessary to take this test.

Students may waive the continuous assessment during the first 9 weeks of class and adapt their assessment to the final written exam by informing the teacher in writing of their rejection of the continuous assessment.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Students who have failed the continuous assessment or who opt for the final exam will concentrate 100% of the mark on the written exam. This written exam will be based on the basic bibliography of the subject and on the contents covered in class.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

ALBERDI, Alberto (2010): "Economía vasca 1980-2010: tres crisis y una gran transformación. Memoria de una gran

transformación y perfiles del reto actual. Economía vasca y políticas públicas". Ekonomiaz, 25-A, 32-95.

ANTÓN, F. Javier; COLINAS, José Angel; IRAURRIZAGA, Ricardo (2013): La desigualdad en la distribución de la renta

en Euskadi (1986-2012). Ikerketak Ekonomiaz. Eusko Jaurlaritza.

ARIZKUN, Alejandro (2002): "Kapitalismoa eta industrializatze-prozesuak, 1850etik 1940ra bitartean", in Y. Jubeto, S.

Mariluz eta M. Zurbano, Euskal Herriko ekonomia. UEU. Bilbo. 15-37 orr.. Eskuragarri:


ARIZKUN, Alejandro (2002): "Euskal Herriko bilakaera ekonomikoa: autarkiatik Europako Batasunera", in Y. Jubeto, S.

Mariluz eta M. Zurbano, Euskal Herriko ekonomia. UEU. Bilbo. 39-57 orr.. Eskuragarri:


ARIZKUN, Alejandro; GALARZA, Enrike; GÓMEZ URANGA, Mikel (1998): Soberanía económica y globalización en

Euskal Herria. Robles-Arangiz Institutua, Bilbo.


Askotariko urteetako txostenak.

EUSKO JAURLARITZA. EAEko ekonomiaren urteko txostena. Askotariko urteetako txostenak.

GAINZA, Xabier; UNCETA, Koldo (2011): "Los factores socio-territoriales y su incidencia en las estrategias locales de

desarrollo: El caso de las agencias de desarrollo local en el País Vasco". Revista de Estudios Regionales, 92, 113-143.

JUBETO, Yolanda, SOLANGE, M. eta ZURBANO, Mikel (koord.) (2002): Euskal Herriko ekonomia. Udako Euskal

Unibertsitatea, Bilbo.

LABORAL KUTXA: Economía Vasca. Askotariko urteetako txostenak.

ZURBANO, Mikel; MARTINEZ-TOLA, Elena; GAINZA, Xabier; ARRILLAGA, Pablo (2018): Globalizazioa eta tokiko

garapena. Hegoak Zabalduz, 8.zbk. Hegoa, Bilbo.

In-depth bibliography

BARRUTIA, Xabier (2003): Espainiako ekonomiaren sarrera. UPV/EHUko argitalpen zerbitzua, Leioa.

ZALDUA, Iban; ZURBANO, Mikel (arg.) (1995): Industrializaziotik desindustrializaziora? Euskal Herria kapitalismoaren garapenaren testuinguruan. Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, Bilbo.


Ekonomiaz: http://www1.euskadi.net/ekonomiaz

Koiuntura DI-DA batean: http://www.euskara.euskadi.eus/r59-

Lurralde: http://www.ingeba.org/lurralde/

Uztaro: http://www.uztaro.eus/

Web addresses


GroupsToggle Navigation

31 Teórico (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


09:00-11:00 (1)

13:00-15:00 (2)


09:00-11:00 (3)

13:00-13:30 (4)

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31 Seminar-1 (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


14:30-15:00 (1)

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31 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


13:30-14:30 (1)

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