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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Teaching of Social Sciences
Faculty of Education and Sport
Electronic mail

Dorleta Apaolaza Llorente holds a bachelor Degree in Art History and a PhD in American History. She is a full time teacher in the Department of Social Science Didactic, College of Education, University of Basque Country UPV/EHU. In the last few years she has published in top-tier research journals in the field of History and has several publication about Art History in educational context. She has also atended numerous international conferences and is involved in competitive educational projects as AAC@school for social inclusion, an Erasmus+ Project. Currently, her main field of research is heritage and art history in educational environments. She has long experience in multicultural research contexts thanks to her PhD project, and international experience gained through international universities research and teaching stays (Cuba, Italy, Czech Republic), her involvement in Erasmus+ projects and her participation in international conferences.

orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0228-1478