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Basque Language Uses in Professional Contexts 28407

Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work
Bachelor's Degree In Labour Relations & Human Resources
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups1522.5
Applied computer-based groups3045

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation


This subject is taught in Basque, and, in order to pass, it is essential to have an adequate level of knowledge of the language (at least B2), both in oral and written expression (should you have any doubts, you are recommended to consult the teacher).

The face-to-face sessions are held for 4 hours per week on tuesdays and thursdays (from 11:30 to 13:30 and from 10:00 to 12:00 respectively). The other two hours of study are carried out during the week, in a flexible schedule, through supervised work by means of tutorials.

In the field of labor relations, specific skills are developed in order to produce texts in Basque, both written and oral, that are and oral texts in Basque, both written and oral, that are correct and appropriate. This is addressed in the subject "Uses of the Basque Language in the Professional Field (EEAP in Basque), where the rules and recommendations for maintaining the Basque language register are established, following the guidelines of Euskaltzaindia and the linguistic criteria of the main style books. In short, the aim is to to ensure the correctness and adequacy of texts, i.e., standardization.

To achieve this, we work specifically with the linguistic resources available on the Internet, such as the web page of Euskaltzaindia (The Royal Academy of Basque Language), the main dictionaries, corpora, style books and written models. The objective is that students to be able to use these resources to respond effectively to future linguistic queries in Basque, especially in the field of labor relations. labor relations.

In conclusion, this subject develops aspects of the communicative competence necessary for graduates of in Labor Relations and Human Resources, guaranteeing not only the adequacy and conformity with the standard Basque language in the standard Basque in the production of texts, but also that these texts are written in plain and clear Basque.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


Specific competence 1

To become aware of the challenges of the Basque language in the field of labor relations and law, and to be able to respond to them.

respond to them. To know the available options and, based on this knowledge, to review personal participation and attitudes.


Specific Competence 2

Use effectively the linguistic resources, especially those available on the Internet and those related to standardization, in order to keep

standardization, in order to keep up to date in the field of Basque.

Specific competence 3

Systematize, explain and review the main perceptions, experiences and doubts about Basque, according to the linguistic criteria considered in the subject. linguistic criteria considered in the subject.


In this subject, the student will develop competences to:

Understand the characteristics, situation and conditions of the Basque language in the academic and professional fields of Understand the characteristics, situation and conditions of the Basque language in the academic and professional field of labor relations and law. Obtain orientation and reflect on present challenges.

Write in Basque, both in academic and professional contexts, using the main linguistic resources available on the Internet to solve different linguistic available on the Internet to solve various linguistic doubts (spelling, punctuation, coherence, cohesion, vocabulary, terminology, discourse structure, among others), vocabulary, terminology, discourse structure, among others).

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation


1.1. Linguistic rights of citizens and workers.

1.2. Plans to guarantee the use of the Basque language and services in Basque in the companies.

1.3. Online resources to promote the use of the Basque language in the workplace.


2.1. Essential criteria for the writing of professional texts.

2.2. Professional texts: style criteria and models.

2.3. Workshop on writing professional texts.


3.1. Working on lexical accuracy: online resources to consult doubts related to the lexicon.

3.2. Working on correctness: online resources to consult doubts related to grammar and writing.

3.3. Working on appropriateness: online resources to consult doubts related to professional style and care.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Most of the materials and resources will be available on the virtual campus (eGela platform), which allows students to access the contents of the course and prepare for the exam without the need to attend classes.

This course is eminently practical. In the classroom, specific activities related to the tasks included in the syllabus will be carried out. The teacher will provide the necessary resources to carry out these activities and will be available to help students solve doubts and overcome difficulties.

For this purpose, various tasks will be carried out, such as: essays on specific topics, exercises to improve writing skills, corrections, search for reference tools, technical terminology exercises, translations of short texts, presentations, among others,

presentations, among others. Many of these activities will be carried out using Internet resources in the computer room, whenever possible.

whenever possible.

Assigned work must be handed in to the professor within the established deadlines. The teacher will analyze and The teacher will discuss and review the results of these assignments with each student. At the end of each module of the course, the students will meet in the classroom to will meet in the classroom to evaluate to what extent they have assimilated the contents worked on during the module.

NOTE: in both practical work and tests, if students make grammatical/spelling mistakes, marks will be deducted.


Module 1 (Linguistic rights of Basque speakers): 4 weeks.

Module 2 (Instructions for writing professional texts): 6 weeks.

Module 3 (Online resources to solve linguistic doubts): 5 weeks.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 20
    • Individual works (%): 20
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 15
    • Portfolio (%): 45

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation


The evaluation of the subject will be continuous, which means that 100% of the grade will be based on the attendance at most of the sessions (80%) and the timely delivery of most of the activities (90%). In addition, the following will be required take the final tests of the modules and complete the final paper.


- Written test to be developed 20%.

- Individual work 20%.

- Team work (problem solving, project design) 15%.

- Portfolio 45%.


However, students are entitled to be evaluated through the final evaluation (100% of the grade). This applies

applies both to those students who opt for continuous assessment and decide to waive it from the beginning or during the course of the course.

during the course of the course, as well as to those who choose to be evaluated only by the final evaluation.

final evaluation. To exercise this right, students must send a written request to the professor responsible for the subject within the first few days of the course.

of the course within the first 9 weeks of the term*. Otherwise, the activities submitted for the continuous evaluation will be graded.

the continuous evaluation will be graded. If a student does not show up for the final exams of the modules, a no-show grade will be considered.

will be considered a no-show grade.

As established in article 8.3 of the Student Evaluation Regulations.


In addition, in accordance with article 12 of the UPV/EHU Evaluation Regulations, it is mandatory to send a request

in writing to the professor one month prior to the end of the term in order to waive the ordinary exam.


FINAL EVALUATION (100% of the grade):

The final evaluation will be carried out in the official convocation established by the Dean's Office. The final evaluation will consist of

of the following elements:

Submission of an individual paper, as described in the student's guide: 25% of the grade.

Final exam: 75% of the grade, which will include the following elements:

Exercises and miscellaneous activities: 50% of the grade.

Writing: 25% of the grade

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Extraordinary call: the learning results will be accredited by means of a final evaluation. This last evaluation will consist of the following sections:

Delivery of an individual work described in the student's guide: 25%.

Final exam: 75%, which will include the following sections:

Exercises and various activities: 50%

Writing: 25%.

In the extraordinary call, students must reach a minimum level in the three competences of the subject. subject. Therefore, in order to pass the evaluation, they must demonstrate the minimum level in all sections (work, exercises, writing), exercises, writing).

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Mandatory materials will be made available to students through the VIRTUAL CLASSROOM (eGela).

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

ALBERDI, X.; AZKARATE, M. eta beste (2019): UPV/EHUko Zuzenbide Fakultatearen hiztegi juridikoa. Bilbo: UPV/EHUko Argitalpen Zerbitzua.

ALBERDI, X.; SARASOLA, I. (2001): Euskal estilo-libururantz, Bilbo: EHUko Argitalpen Zerbitzua.

GARZIA, J. (2005): Kalko okerrak, Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia.

HAEE/IVAP (2003): Galdezka: euskarazko zalantzei erantzunez, Gasteiz: HAEE/IVAP http://www.ivap.euskadi.net/contenidos/informacion/euskalduntze_argit/eu_def/adjuntos/Galdezka1.pdf

HAEE/IVAP (2009): IVAPeko estilo-liburua, Gasteiz: HAEE/IVAP. http://www.ivap.euskadi.net/contenidos/informacion/euskalduntze_argit/eu_def/adjuntos/estilo_liburua.pdf

In-depth bibliography

AGIRRE, J.M. (2009): Itzulpen estrategiak. Gaztelaniazko testu juridikoak eta administratiboak. Donostia:
CONDE, J. (2009). Lenguaje administrativo y derecho: El lenguaje como aspecto de la actividad administrativa. Zizur Txiki: Aranzadi.
ELOSEGI, A. (2002): Zuzenbideko hizkera berezia. Lege-corpus itzuli bateko terminologiaren azterketa linguistikoa eta terminologikoa. Bilbo: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.
GARZIA, J. (1997): Joskera lantegi, GASTEIZ: HAEE-IVAP.
HAEE/IVAP (1994): Hizkera argiaren bidetik, Gasteiz: Herri Arduralaritzaren Euskal Erakundea (HAEE/IVAP). HAEE/IVAP (1997): Argiro idazteko proposamenak eta ariketak, Gasteiz: HAEE/IVAP.
HAINBATEN ARTEAN (2009). Eusko Legebiltzarraren idazteko, itzultzeko eta zuzentzeko jarraibideak. Gasteiz: Eusko Legebiltzarra. URL: http://www.parlamento.euskadi.net/e_normas_redaccion.html
SARASOLA, I. (1997): Euskara batuaren ajeak, Alberdania.
ZABALA, I. (ARGIT.) (1996): Testu-loturarako baliabideak: euskara teknikoa, Bilbo: EHUko Argitalpen Zerbitzua. ZUAZO, K. (2005): Euskara batua. Ezina ekinez egina. Donostia: Elkar.


Administrazioan Euskaraz (IVAP) https://www.euskadi.eus/t59auUdaWar/R1

Administrazio-hizkera argia (Administrazio Euskaraz aldizkariaren bloga, IVAP) https://tinyurl.com/y5omnus5

Euskaltzaindia: Euskara http://www.euskaltzaindia.net/euskera

ELERIA. Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria (Eusko Ikaskuntza)

Lan harremanak (Lan Harremanen Unibertsitate Eskola)

Zuzenbidea Ikasten http://www.ehu.eus/ojs/index.php/Zuzenbide

Zuzenbidearen Euskal Akademiaren Aldizkaria (ZEA) http://www.avd-zea.com/euskara/el_boletin.php

Web addresses

Euskaltzaindiaren Hizkuntza-baliabideak: https://www.euskaltzaindia.eus/hizkuntza-baliabideak

AZPIDAZKI: http://azpidazki.ehu.eus/azpidazki/default.aspx

UPV/EHU kontsultagunea: https://www.ehu.eus/eu/web/euskara/kontsultagunea

Euskara Institutuaren kontsultagunea: https://www.ehu.eus/eu/web/eins/home

AZPIDAZKI itzulpen-memoriak: http://azpidazki.ehu.eus/azpidazki/moduluak/nolaitzulidute/nolaitzuliduteaurreratua.v2.aspx?id=1&locale=eu-ES

Euskara Juridikoaren Ataria: https://www.euskara-juridikoa.eus/

Legeak/Leyes bildumaren ataria: https://www.ehu.eus/eu/web/euskara/legeak-leyes-bilduma Zuzenbide Corpusa: https://www.ehu.eus/eu/web/eins/zuzenbide-corpusa
Iusplaza ataria: http://www.iusplaza.com/

FORULEGE ataria: http://www.forulege.com/?hizkuntza=0 EPAIBI ataria: https://www.justizia.eus/euskara-justizian ELET: http://www.ivap.ejgv.euskalsarea.eus/elet/Default.aspx
DUDANET: https://apps.euskadi.eus/r61-veddudam/eu/contenidos/informacion/dudanet_hasiera/eu_def/index.shtml IDABA: http://www.ivap.ejgv.euskalsarea.eus/r21uUdaWar/consulta/maint
Hizkera Argiaren Bloga (IVAP): https://tinyurl.com/y3wfdmb9

Hizkera Juridiko Argia: https://ainhoaaltzuguren.wixsite.com/hizkerajuridikoargia

CR (Centre de Redacció): https://parles.upf.edu/llocs/cr/casjur2005b/index.html CC (Comunicación Clara): http://www.comunicacionclara.cl/
CI (Clarity International Net): http://www.clarity-international.net/

GroupsToggle Navigation

31 Teórico (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


11:30-12:30 (1)

Teaching staff

31 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


12:30-13:30 (1)

Teaching staff

31 Applied computer-based groups-1 (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


10:00-12:00 (1)

Teaching staff