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Bachelor degree (1993) and Ph. D. (1998) in Chemical Sciences from the UPV / EHU. She has been a professor at the UPV / EHU since 2000, where she teaches in the degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. Specifically, she teaches Scientific basis for art conservation and Technical examination and documentation, in Basque and Spanish. She also lectures in the master's degree in Forensic Analysis and in the master's degree in Conservation and Exhibition of Contemporary Art. She has been Academic Secretary of the Painting Department and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Deputy Director of the Master's and Doctorate School of the UPV / EHU and member of the Graduate Statutory Commission at the UPV / EHU as well as a member of the University Governing Council. She is now the director of the Painting Department.

She is a member of the research group Farmartem, at the Faculty of Science and Technology, participating fundamentally in projects related to the scientific examination of Cultural Heritage and the forensic analysis of documents and paintings. She has also been a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow at the Joint Research Center of the European Union in Geel, Belgium (1998-2000). She has supervised 7 doctoral theses and currently supervises 4 Ph. D. works in Conservation and Restoration. She has participated in more than 40 competitive research projects and is co-author of about 40 articles published in International Scientific Journals of recognized prest