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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao
Electronic mail

Mª Begoña García Ramiro holds a degree (1986) in Mathematics from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). In 1987, she obtained the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude (CAP) from the same university. She is a civil servant teacher of high school since 1990 and her teaching work has been developed in different high schools of the Community of the Basque Country. As a result of having worked in secondary schools, she participated in several teaching innovation projects.

She holds PhD (2009) in Physics from the University of the Basque Country with the maximum grade (Cum Laude). Although she worked part time at the university during several years, she started working as a full time teacher in 2012. She has taught different subjects in the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao, where she has been engaged as “Profesora Adjunta” since 2015. In addition, she obtained the positive evaluation of the program Docentiaz in 2018 and the accreditation to become an associate professor in 2019.

Regarding her research, she has also been a member of a research group called “Applied Photonics Bilbao” since 2013. This group is nowadays considered a group of excellence and it collaborates with worldwide recognized research centers of various countries. Her main current research lines can be framed in the fields of active polymer optical fibers (POFs) for light generation, collection and amplification.