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General Chemistry26111

Faculty of Science and Technology
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2537.5

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

"General Chemistry I" is a mandatory course from the first year of the Degree in Chemistry and the Degree in Chemical Engineering. It is taught in the first semester and together with the subject of the same course "General Chemistry II" (second semester), it is the basis of the chemistry courses of the basic module.

Building upon the knowledge and capabilities already acquired by the student in his/her previous studies; this course focuses on the atoms and the classification of the elements in the periodic table, micro- and macroscopic properties of the elements and their compounds as well as on the different theories of the chemical bond and reactivity. The student will also learn the rules of nomenclature and formulation of both organic and inorganic compounds as well as basic concepts of isomerism in organic materials and the reactivity of the most important functional groups in organic chemistry.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


In this subject, the aim is that the student

1. Learns and uses the language of chemistry related to the designation and formulation of chemical elements and compounds.

2. Has a clear notion of the most basic aspects of Chemistry that are related to the laws of chemical combination, and the stoichiometry of chemical reactions.

3. Masters the basic concepts related to the composition, structure bonds in the subject.

4. Can handle the basic knowledge related to the structure and reactivity of the most common inorganic and organic chemical compounds.

5. Uses and relates the different experimental sciences for an understanding of chemical phenomena or conversion processes.

6. Knows the most common sources of information and documentation in experimental sciences.


Students who have completed the requirements will

-Use correctly the chemical language related to the designation and formulation of inorganic and organic chemical elements and compounds, in accordance with the standard rules from the IUPAC.

-Identify the type of bond present in different chemical compounds and will be able to predict their structures and some of their micro- and macroscopic properties: acidity/basicity, states of aggregation, mechanical, electrical or magnetic properties...

-Recognize the main characteristics of atoms as constituent units of matter, the classification of the elements in the periodic table and their periodic properties.

-Evaluate and analyse both conformational and configurational isomerism in organic compounds with special emphasis on chiral compounds.

-Analyse the main types of organic reactions from an energetic and mechanistic point of view.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1. Nomenclature in Inorganic Chemistry

Binary compounds of metals and non-metals. Acids. Oxoacids. Salts. Oxysalts. Coordination compounds.

2. Atomic structure.

Quantum Mechanics historical background. Wave-particle duality. Uncertainty principle. Schrödinger's equation. The Hydrogen atom. Quantum numbers. Atomic orbitals. Multielectronic atoms. Pauli's exclusion principle and orbital occupation. Hund's rules.

3. The Periodic Table of the Elements.

Atomic properties and their evolution across the Periodic Table. Periodic classification of the elements. The Periodic System. Size of atoms and ions. Ionization potential. Electronic affinity.

4. The chemical bond: theories and types of bonds.

Covalent bond: Valence bond theory. Lewis model. Hybridization. Molecular orbitals theory. Metallic bonding: Band theory. Ionic bond: Lattice energy; the Born-Haber cycle. Polarity. Intermolecular forces: Dipole-dipole interactions. Hydrogen bonds.

5. States of aggregation of matter.

Solids: properties, classification and structural models. Gases: Ideal gases. Kinetic-molecular theory. Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Real gases. Liquids: Properties; Brownian motion; kinetic theory; transport properties.

6. Nomenclature in Organic Chemistry

Hydrocarbons. Alcohols and ethers. Aldehydes and ketones. Carboxylic and acids and their derivatives. Nitrogen compounds. Heterocycles.

7. Structure and bond in organic molecules.

Lewis structures and formal charges. Molecular models. Structure and physical properties.

8. Isomerism in Organic Chemistry.

Concept and types. Constitutional (structural) isomerism. Stereoisomerism. Configurational isomerism. The concept of chirality. Enantiomers. Optical activity. Different types of chiral molecules. Organic molecules projection. Absolut configuration: sequential rules. Diastereoisomers. Racemates.

9. Main reaction types in Organic Chemistry.

Homolytic and heterolytic cleveage. Inductive and resonance effect / mesomers. Reaction intermediates. Nucleophiles and electrophiles. Acid-base nature of organic compounds.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The teaching will be given as lectures (M, 30 hours) which consist in theoretical lessons, classroom practices - consisting of solving problems and answering questions - (GA, 25 hours) and seminars (S, 5 hours), which delve into various key aspects of the subject.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 70
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 30

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The assessment tools used will be:

- Work done in the classroom, as well as the grading of the problems and assignments handed in: 30% of the final grade (minimum grade 4.0/10).

- Theoretical-practical written test: 70% of the final grade (minimum grade 4.0/10. This grade needs to be balanced all along the test).

- There will also be a formulation test that the student will have to pass in order to pass the whole subject.

The following aspects are evaluated in all the activities:

- Good formulation of questions

- Precision and coherence of the answers

- Clarity and reasoning

In this assessment system (30/70), the performance of the exercises proposed by the professor throughout the course will be compulsory.

If the student does not wish to be assessed in this modality, he/she may take a final test (100%) in the January call. To do this, he/she should present his/her withdrawal in writing to the professor before week 9.

Non-presentation at the final exam for the subject will be considered as withdrawal from the call.

Academic Ethics Protocol

During the evaluation tests, the use of books, notes or diagrams, as well as the use of telephones, computers or other electronic devices by the students will be prohibited [Only a calculator is allowed]. In the event of any dishonest or fraudulent practice, the protocol on academic ethics and prevention of dishonest or fraudulent practices in evaluation tests and academic works at the UPV/EHU will be applied.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The grade for the extraordinary call will be taken in its entirety from the grade obtained in the exam (100% exam).

Non-presentation at the final exam for the subject will be considered as withdrawal from the call.

Academic Ethics Protocol

During the evaluation tests, the use of books, notes or diagrams, as well as the use of telephones, computers or other electronic devices by the students will be prohibited [Only a calculator is allowed]. In the event of any dishonest or fraudulent practice, the protocol on academic ethics and prevention of dishonest or fraudulent practices in evaluation tests and academic works at the UPV/EHU will be applied.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

- R.H. Petrucci, F.G. Herring, J.D. Madura and C. Bissonnette. "General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications", (11th ed.), Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. 2011.

- P. Atkins, L. Jones and L. Laverman. "Chemical Principles", (7th ed.), W. H. Freeman Ed., New York, 2016.

In-depth bibliography

- Chang, R. and Goldsby, K. “Chemistry”, (11th ed.) McGraw-Hill Education, New York, 2014.
- "Chemsitry. A project of the American Chemical Society". W. H. Freeman Ed., New York, 2004.
- D.W. Oxtoby and N.H. Nachtrieb. "Principles of Modern Chemistry", (5th ed.), W. H. Freeman Ed., New York, 2010.
- J.C. Kotz, P.M. Treichel and J.M. Townsend. "Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity" (7th ed.), Brooks/Cole Publishing, Salt Lake City, UT, 2009.
- M.S. Silberberg. "Principles of General Chemsitry" McGraw-Hill Education, New York, 2006.
- K. P. C. Vollhardt "Organic Chemistry" (4th ed.), W. H. Freeman Ed., London, UK, 2002.
- L. G. Wade. “Organic Chemistry” (6th ed.) Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River (NJ), USA. 2006.
- N.G. Connelly and T. Damhus. "Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry: IUPAC Recommendations ". IUPAC Red Book; RSC Publishing, London, 2005.
- H. A Favre and W. H Powell. "Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry: IUPAC Recommendations ". IUPAC Blue Book; RSC Publishing, London, 2014.


Journal of Chemical Education

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01 Teórico (Spanish - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


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08:30-09:30 (2)

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01 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (Spanish - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


12:00-13:00 (1)

10:30-11:30 (2)

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02 Teórico (Spanish - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


10:30-11:30 (1)

10:30-11:30 (2)

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02 Seminar-1 (Spanish - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


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02 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (Spanish - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


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12:00-13:00 (4)


12:00-13:00 (5)


10:30-11:30 (6)

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31 Teórico (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


10:30-11:30 (1)

08:30-09:30 (2)

31 Seminar-1 (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


10:30-11:30 (1)

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32 Teórico (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


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32 Seminar-1 (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


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32 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


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12:00-13:00 (4)


12:00-13:00 (5)


10:30-11:30 (6)

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