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Environmental Technologies25988

Faculty of Engineering - Vitoria-Gasteiz
Doble Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica + Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automática
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups1522.5

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The objective of the course “Environmental Technologies” is to acquire the basic concepts of environmental pollution and solutions to pollution in the biosphere in the three main natural resources, that are, air, water and soil. This subject shall permit a sufficient knowledge to develop your professional activity in the Engineering field in various sectors of industry.

The subject has no prerequisites. However, due to its characteristics, it is convenient that the matriculated students have already coursed “Chemical Basics of Engineering” imparted in the first course.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


S.S.1. Know the concepts of environmental pollution and sustainability..

S.S.2. Identify, state and understand the global problems of water, air and waste, as well as their influence on the environment.

S.S.3. Applications of environmental pollution concepts and prevention and control technologies to air, water, and soil pollution problems as well as to environmental quality.

S.S.4. Ability to solve problems in the industrial technology field with initiative, decisión-making, creativity, using critical reasoning and being able to communicate and transmit the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired.

S.S.5. Know and understand how to apply the legislation related to the environment.

S.S.6. Analyze and anticipate the most important risks associated with the chemical industry (and related industries).


T.S.1. Work in multidisciplinary environments.

T.S.2. Ability to collect, understand and interpret information related to environmental technologies in a scientific and technical mode and using appropriately the main bibliographic sources.

T.S.3. Responsible and orderly attitude at work and predisposition to learning.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation



2.1. Atmosphere. Composition and structure

2.2. Energy balance of the atmosphere

2.3. Air pollution process

2.4. Air pollutants

2.5. Air quality

2.6. Effects of air pollution

2.7. Techniques for reducing and controlling air industrial emissions


3.1. Nature and properties of water

3.2. Origin of water contamination

3.3. Water pollutants and effects

3.4. Surface water quality

3.5. Water and wastewater treatments.


4.1. Soil properties and pollutants

4.2. Waste

4.3. Soil decontamination techniques

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The methodology proposed for this subject is an active methodology that implies that the scheduled activities allow students to participate in the construction of their knowledge and acquire more responsibility.

The communication and relationship between teachers and students is carried out through the following ways:

· Lectures and classroom practices.

· Use of eGela. In this platform the students have at their disposal all the necessary information and the news are posted in eGela. Throughout the course and depending on the proposed work, forums will be opened for the exchange of information.

· Tutorials

Except for the tests and the written examination, the activities developed by the students are part of the cooperative work, in which the students work in groups.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 70
    • Multiple-Choice Test (%): 15
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 15

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation


The evaluation will consist of the following activities:

a) Written examination (70 % of the final mark)

b) Multiple choice tests (15 % of the final mark)

c) Group Works (15 % of the final mark)

The final mark is obtained by applying these percentages to the results of the evaluation in each of the concepts indicated above, taking into account the following REQUIREMENTS:

i) Carry out all the established activities within the set deadline.

ii) Obtain a minimum score of 3.5/10 in each of the global evaluation activities.

iii) A final mark of 5.0/10.

Whether any requirement is not met, the subject will be suspended in the ordinary examination with a final mark of 4.0, regardless the results obtained in the activities.


The evaluation instrument for each activity is a rubric or evaluation matrix, which will detail the criteria and indicators used to evaluate the achievement of the competencies. All evaluation instruments are published in eGela.

The multiple-choice tests, which will be performed via eGela or in class, positive answers will add 1 point and negative answers will reduce 0.25 points. Group work will be evaluated by the teacher by means of a rubric.


Students who do not opt for the MIXED evaluation system described above will take a final exam that will include theoretical questions and problems. In order to pass the subject it will be necessary to obtain a minimum mark of 5.0/10 in this exam.

Apply for the final evaluation system:

If the student does not wish to participate in the continuous evaluation system, he/she must submit to the teacher the resignation of the continuous evaluation, for which he/she will have a period of 9 weeks, counting from the beginning of the four-month period, in accordance with the academic calendar of the center (Article 8.3 Regulations governing the evaluation of students in official undergraduate degrees, UPV/EHU). Applications will not be accepted by other ways, nor after the deadline.


In the case of continuous evaluation, students may resign the call for assessment within a period that, at least, will be up to one month before the end of the teaching period of the subject. This resignation must be submitted in writing addressed to the teacher responsible of the subject. Resignations will not be accepted by other ways, nor after the deadline. However, in the case of a final evaluation, non-presentation of the previously established individual exams will imply the automatic resignation of the corresponding call (Article 12 Regulations governing the evaluation of students in official undergraduate degrees, UPV/EHU).

In the event that it is not possible to carry out a presential evaluation of the subject, the pertinent changes will be made for the realization of an online evaluation through the use of the existing computer tools in the UPV/EHU.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

In the extraordinary call, the evaluation process of the students is the same, being in both cases a final exam.

The final exam will consist of theoretical-questions and problems about the contents of the subject. In order to pass the subject, the minimum mark in this test will be 5/10.

The RESIGNATION procedure for the extraordinary call for evaluation of the students consists of NOT presenting to the final exam.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Contents of the subject matter are provided by the professor through eGela.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Baird, C. “Química ambiental” Editorial Reverté, 2ª Ed., Barcelona (2013).

Bueno, J.L., Sastre, H., Lavín, A.G. “Contaminación e ingeniería ambiental. Vol. I. Conceptos generales y actividades contaminantes”, Ficyt, Oviedo (1997).

Bueno, J.L., Sastre, H., Lavín, A.G. “Contaminación e ingeniería ambiental. Vol. II. Contaminación atmosférica”, Ficyt, Oviedo (1997).

Bueno, J.L., Sastre, H., Lavín, A.G. “Contaminación e ingeniería ambiental. Vol. III. Contaminación de las aguas”, Ficyt, Oviedo (1997).

Bueno, J.L., Sastre, H., Lavín, A.G. “Contaminación e ingeniería ambiental. Vol. IV. Degradación del suelo y tratamiento de residuos”, Ficyt, Oviedo (1997).

Bueno, J.L., Sastre, H., Lavín, A.G. “Contaminación e ingeniería ambiental. Vol. V. Gestión de la contaminación”, Ficyt, Oviedo (1997).

Contreras, A., Molero, M. “Introducción al estudio de la contaminación y su control”. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 2º Ed., Madrid (1995).

De Lora, F.; Miro, J. “Técnicas de defensa del medio ambiente”. Vol. I. Labor, S.A., Barcelona (1978).

De Nevers, N. “Ingeniería de control de la contaminación del aire”, Editorial McGraw-Hill Interamericana Editores, México (1998).

Díaz, M. “Ecuaciones y cálculos para el tratamiento de aguas”. Editorial Paraninfo, Madrid (2018).

Fundación LABEIN para IHOBE. “Inventario de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco”, IHOBE-Sociedad Pública de Gestión Ambiental, (2002).

Hernández, A. “Depuración y desinfección de aguas residuales”. Colección senior nº 9. Thomson Learning. Editorial Paraninfo, Madrid (2001).

Hontoria, E., Zamorano, M. “Fundamentos del manejo de los residuos urbanos”. Editorial Canales y Puertos Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Madrid (2001).

Kiely, G. “Ingeniería ambiental”. Editorial McGraw-Hill, Madrid (1999).

Lagrega, M.D., Buckingham, Ph. L., Evans, J.C. “Gestión de residuos tóxicos. Tratamientos, eliminación y recuperación de suelos”. Editorial Mc Graw Hill, Madrid (1996).

Masters, G.M. “Introducción a la ingeniería medioambiental”. Editorial Pearson Educación, Madrid (2008).

Metcalf & Eddy “Ingeniería de las aguas residuales. Tratamiento, vertido y reutilización”. Editorial Mc Graw Hill, 3º Ed. Madrid (1998).

Orozco, C.; González, M.N.; Alfayate, J.M.; Pérez, A.; Rodríguez, F.J. “Problemas resueltos de Contaminación Ambiental”. Thomson Editores Spain. Editorial Paraninfo, S.A., Madrid (2003).

Ramalho, R.S. “Tratamiento de aguas residuales”, Editorial Reverté, Barcelona (1996).

Rodríguez, J.J., Irabien, A. “Los residuos peligrosos. Caracterización, tratamientos y gestión”. Editorial Síntesis, Madrid (1999).

Seoánez, M.; Angulo, I. “Manual de gestión medioambiental en la empresa. Sistemas de gestión medio ambiental, auditorías medioambientales, evaluaciones de impacto ambiental y otras estrategias”. Editorial Mundi-Prensa, (1999).

Spiro, T.G., Stigliani, W.M. “Química medioambiental”, Editorial Pearson Educación, Madrid (2004).

Wark, W. “Contaminación de aire. Origen y control”, Editorial Limusa, México (2001).

In-depth bibliography

Alonso, E., Martínez, T., Cambra, K., Lopez, L., Boldo, E., Zorrilla, B., Daponte, A., Aguilera, I., Toro, S., Iñiguez, C., Ballester, F., García, F., Plasencia, A., Artazcoz, L., Medina, S. “Evaluación en cinco ciudades españolas del impacto en salud de la contaminación atmosférica por partículas. proyecto europeo Apheis”. Rev. Esp. Salud Pública, 79, pp. 297-308 (2005).

Alvarado-Zeledón, X. “Impacto en la salud ambiental por efecto de emisiones de dióxido de azufre del volcán arenal, en la población de la Fortuna de San Carlos”. Revista Costarricense de Salud Pública, 15(29), (2006).

Botkin, D.B., Keller, E.A. “Environmental science. Earth as a living planet”. Editorial John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Estados Unidos (2005).

Conesa, V.; Conesa-Ripoll, V.; Capella, V.; Conesa-Ripoll, L. A. “Auditorías medioambientales: guía metodológica”. Editorial Mundi-Prensa, (1997).

Cuadrat, J.M., Pita, M.F. “Climatología” Ediciones Cátedra S.A. (1997).

Droste, R.L. “Theory and practice of water and wastewater treatment”. Editorial John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Estados Unidos (1997).

Nazaroff, W.W., Álvarez-Cohen, L. “Environmental engineering science” Editorial John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Estados Unidos (2001).

Santiago, I. “Intoxicación por gases”. Anales Sis. San. Navarra, 26(1), pp.173-180 (2003).
Tchobanoglous, G., Kreith, F. “Handbook of solid waste management” Editorial Mcgraw-Hill, Estados Unidos (2002).

Williams, P.T. “Waste treatment and disposal”. Editorial Wiley, Gran Bretaña (2005).


Ingeniería del Agua

Tecnología del Agua

Química Industrial

Biomass and Bioenergy

Enviromental Engineering Science

Web addresses

Legislación UE

Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente: Prevención y Gestión de Residuos

Gobierno Vasco: Medio ambiente

IHOBE: Sociedad pública vasca de medio ambiente

Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e higiene. Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social

European Environment Agency EEA. Spatial analysis of green infrastructure in Europea